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Tomorrow night at 6PM #RPSBoard is meeting to discuss school reopening scenarios. Their agenda says “receive for action” which implies a vote. Missing from the agenda are the RPD update and JCT update that were deferred from last meeting. Also no documents yet.
Even without documents it’s already been made public that Superintendent @JasonKamras has added 3 new school reopening scenarios. The new scenarios heavily rely on virtual learning especially for middle/high school students. #RPSBoard

Budget transfers document has been posted. Transfer reheat is to add a Spanish teacher to be shared between fisher and westover hills elementary schools. Still no school reopening docs. Still no RPD or JCT items on the agenda. #RPSBoard
2PM: no documents have been uploaded. No RPD or JCT update added to the agenda. There has been some funny business with public comment being deleted and re-added to the agenda (h/t @AnsPerkins) #RPSBoard
5:12PM: documents have been posted. Don’t have an exact time of when they got posted but they are available. Nothing about RPD or JCT on the agenda. #RPSBoard
Omg there are 124 pages of public comment y’all. I’m going to dieeeee. #RPSBoard
For frame of reference, 22 pages last meeting took a little over 45 minutes. If that stays the same... this could take 4 hours in public comment alone. Last week’s school board meeting was 5.5 hours. #RPSBoard
Okay so I’m concerned about getting rate limited multiple times and locked out of my account during a critical meeting if I make the attempt to hit every comment in the packet so I’m going to give highlights that hopefully reflect a fair sampling of what people are saying.
I will be following the packet (linked below) and not what is read so I may capture a pulled quote or sentiment that got submitted to the board but didn’t get read in the meeting. I’ll do my best to keep things “in meeting range ish.”…
Meeting is started. Here is the link. #RPSBoard…
All 9 board members are in attendance. Full house. #RPSBoard
We are on discussion around adopting the agenda. Doerr motions to adopt the agenda with motion to amend to add a discussion of adding a year round calendar. Young seconds. #RPSBoard
Page says there are a lot of factors to consider in that matter. Cosby says that’s the purpose of having the discussion. No other discussion.

Vote is:

Yes: Doerr, Young, Page, Cosby, Sapini, Barlow, Gibson, Owen

Burke seems to have gotten disconnected. Motion passes.
They are voting on the agenda as amended.

Agenda is approved 8-0 with Burke still kicked off Zoom into the ether. #RPSBoard
Owen has a statement before public comment. She appreciates everyone who submitted comments. They are not reading everyone tonight. They are only reading 1 minute for 2 hours. They are listing everyone who submitted comments with a preferred plan later in the meeting. #RPSBoard
This changes my direction for comment. I’ll tweet as much as I can that they read. #RPSBoard
Latonnya Smiling Freeman questions how social distancing will take place with children using the bus, in class, and in special education. #RPSBoard
Sharon Gilbert Palmer is an employee and proposes virtual school for fall with possibility of returning to buildings in the spring. #RPSBoard
Mary Thorne is a teacher and is anxious to get back to classroom and is in support of a plan that gives parents peace of mind. #RPSBoard
Katherine Shenk says Option E is the only option. No in person instruction is worth risking sickness and death. #RPSBoard
Artie Marshall asks if masks will be provided. #RPSBoard
Jasmine Sheffield is a teacher who is high risk who is terrified to return to work. She’s torn because she doesn’t want to put herself at risk but knows how important it is to educate kids. #RPSBoard
Amanda Gibson says virtual school would never work for her child. She needs in person pre-school. #RPSBoard
Treysi Knox is a parent doesn’t feel like her daughter will be able to do well virtually. She is open to the hybrid option. #RPSBoard
Cayla Carruthers is a teacher and wants to begin the school virtually. #RPSBoard
Cindy Griffin says virtual schooling was a bit too much for her son to keep up with. #RPSBoard
Stephanie Cumberbatch asks what about high school students who want to attend school and don’t want to do virtual school. #RPSBoard
Cody Nystrom says low transmission rates and low illness rates for children means the downside of keeping kids home outweighs the upside from a public health perspective. #RPSBoard
Jessica Rucker thinks fully virtual for first semester and those with IEP could have a part time schedule. #RPSBoard
Rebecca Bates says “opening schools would be a flagrant and egregious dereliction of duty to our children unless we can follow the originally recommended 6 feet of distance in properly ventilated rooms while all students and staff wear masks.” #RPSBoard
Keisha Tyson is looking for 2-3 days in the classroom. #RPSBoard
Tykisha Booker would like her child back in the classroom as a single mom. #RPSBoard
Sherry Connaster shared an article about Arizona teachers sharing a classroom for summer school and all 3 got sick and 1 died. #RPSBoard
Aisha Smith is an instructional assistant at a preschool and has concerns about reopening in the fall. She has 4 kids and isn’t comfortable with them at school in the fall. #RPSBoard
Gregory Muzik is on board with full virtual mostly because of the concerns of teachers. He has direct experience with COVID he likely got at a school computer distribution event despite following precautions and his wife ended up in critical care. #RPSBoard
Lynneda Buck says fully back for elementary school students and then 2 days in person, 3 days virtual for middle/high school. #RPSBoard
Lauren Earley supports plans B and C. She supports the data from the VCU pediatrics doctors. #RPSBoard
Morgan Colleton is a teacher who says the only ethical decision is 100% virtual instruction for the first semester. No amount of in person instruction is worth multiple human lives. #RPSBoard
Sonia Sorrell says Plan B is the best. Some teachers want to teach in person, others want to teach virtually. This gives everyone options. #RPSBoard
LaTonia Kelley is a parent and teacher who is in favor of Option E. She’s worried about the quality of virtual instruction but her son is doing well with the RPS Summer Camp at Home program #RPSBoard
James Alston Asks how can you ensure protection for special needs teachers working with low incidence students in wheelchairs and ventilators which require hand over hand assistance. #RPSBoard
Margaret Cook supports reopening options that allow for in person learning because for many families virtual learning means no education. #RPSBoard
Murray Withrow likes plans A, B, and C and would like to send them in person. #RPSBoard
Beth Knox is a parent and teacher who supports Plan E until there’s a better grasp on the whole pandemic. #RPSBoard
Lauren Withrow is a parent and prefers Plan B. She’ll send her son to any in person option. #RPSBoard
Brendan Trache supports a fully virtual learning experience for the majority of students for the first quarter or first semester. #RPSBoard
Phillip Canady says err on the side of caution and opt for only a fully virtual option for the first semester. #RPSBoard
Cynthia Mankus is a teacher with concerns. Cites the reduction of the 6ft social distancing to 3ft of distancing. #RPSBoard
Latrisha Tate supports option E. Says it three different ways. #RPSBoard
Shayla Riggs is a new teacher who supports option E. Says it may not be the most beneficial to students but it’s absolutely not safe to risk their lives for the sake of returning to normal. #RPSBoard
Katerina Momiroska supports option E. Says returning to the in person version students would have to would be traumatizing. #RPSBoard
Mary Toombs says she supports option E. #RPSBoard
Kaitlyn Siedlarczyk supports option E.

T’keiah Woodson asks how will the implementation of phonics be addressed for K and how will individual testing be conducted in schools vs virtual classroom. #RPSBoard
Anna Mason is concerned there is no plan for upcoming year and yet there is discussion for voting on the topic. Infection is trending upward. #RPSBoard
Evelyn Lichtman is a teacher and parent who supports plan E. She and her daughter have asthma. #RPSBoard
Nina Ford is a teacher who supports plan E as other options would unduly place teachers and students in harms way. Other plans would gamble with human life. Err on the side of caution. #RPSBoard
Chameka Mace doesn’t believe it’s safe for students or staff to go back into school. Virtual school is more safe. #RPSBoard
Kataleeya Cashion asks for Option E to contain COVID19 from outbreaks to vulnerable populations. #RPSBoard
Marisson Mancini is asking for Option E citing stories of children and staff infected at a summer camp program. Children’s lives are too valuable to risk. Educators and administrators give more than they should have to— shouldn’t be asking them to risk lives too. #RPSBoard
Arianna Trickey is a teacher urging option E as it allows RPS time to purchase supplies and make upgrades needed since they will be competing with other school districts for them. #RPSBoard
Quinn Rentz says Option E is the only option safe for staff and students. If RPS opens in Sept the biggest question is WHEN, not IF :57;3’ts and staff catch COVID19. Is RPS co-signing the Grim Reapers list. #RPSBoard
Meaghan Rymer is a teacher and wants to be back in school with her students but it’s not safe for students and staff to return to school. It scares her to death knowing she could pass COVID19 to any coworkers, students, or families. #RPSBoard
Tracy and Wayne Moe day option E. Once #RPSBoard feels safe enough go hold meetings in person with community members present, we can consider sending students and teachers back into buildings.
Alyssa Freeman is a teacher with a very small classroom where it’s impossible to social distance. She is a high risk category. #RPSBoard
Kelly Gerow supports plan E because she supports teachers, the medical presentation last week didn’t consider that the rates are surging, and who is preparing the schools to get ready? #RPSBoard
Pia Spinner supports option E. #RPSBoard
Diane Dwyer supports option E as it is the only way to ensure all RPS students and families are safe admits a deadly global pandemic. #RPSBoard
Emma Munis is a teacher urging for plan E as the precautions being called for are not feasible or probable. She’s very concerned. #RPSBoard
Robert and Shantelle Brown believe school should reopen virtually. Says we need to be concerned about teachers and staff. #RPSBoard
Lauren Weaver says it’s irresponsible to open schools for in person learning. “Putting teachers lives and their families lives at risk for convenience is not only irresponsible it is down right selfish” #RPSBoard
Clair LeFew would love to get back to working with her mentee but that would put their health and the community’s health at risk and asks for an Option E. #RPSBoard
Courtney Pendergast says the only way to return safely is fully virtual. Divest money from private interest and invest in the teachers and community members that will continue to keep this school system afloat. Select E, allocate budget to address equity issues. #RPSBoard
Heather Johnson supports Plan E because there are too many health risks associated with returning in person. The responsibility of enforcing mask wearing will be quite a challenge. #RPSBoard
Melvin Hostman is a teacher concerned with the effects of an in person reopening as it may have negative health impacts so he urges option E. #RPSBoard
Shelrie Holmes has a special needs child who needs in class instruction but he has a hard time distancing himself. He did well with zoom meetings. As a teacher she doesn’t feel safe going back to school right now. She supports option E. #RPSBoard
Martha Wingfield supports plan E with plan C as a 2ndary option. She had a small classroom. #RPSBoard
Jane Gordon is a teacher who supports plan E. “Experimenting with our children is unacceptable. Period.” She asks about sick leave being covered and who has to quarantine and who has to get tested and who has to pay. #RPSBoard
.@AnsPerkins is disappointed with inconsistencies in public comment process. She submitted comments for 6/29 meeting but they were never read after a last minute change. #RPSBoard
Julia Bashore says Plan A gives time to deep clean and distance without sacrificing in person activities. #RPSBoard
Brandon Rogers has questions! If teacher tests + do they quarantine? Is that sick leave paid? Do all students they meet with need to quarantine? How do notifications happen? #RPSBoard
Kaitlin Mendez loves teaching in person but the schools aren’t prepared to send students back to the classrooms. She supports option E. #RPSBoard
Amy Bixler supports Option C based on the medical information presented by the VCU Pediatricians. #RPSBoard
Ryan Bennett is a teacher says nationwide cases are trending upward including VA. He supports option D or option E. #RPSBoard
Stuart Harnsberger says plan E is the only viable option as all other options put lived at risk unnecessarily. Reconsider implementing a new curriculum at this time as everyone is overwhelmed and underprepared for virtual learning as it is. #RPSBoard
Caroline Meehan would love to go back into the classroom but it isn’t safe to do so. Believes we need to invest in improving virtual options and be committed to engaging students and communities and keep things remove until it’s safe. #RPSBoard
Anna Martinez says vote for Plan E to keep students safe. Worried that students are being used to test reopening as a viable plan. Only acceptable number of student deaths is zero. #RPSBoard
Molly Brannan is a parent supports plan C. Younger students are less susceptible. Virtual school isn’t working. Maybe use the empty middle/high schools/churches. #RPSBoard
Andrew Bryce urges for option E citing the board meeting virtually as evidence of it not being safe to open in person. #RPSBoard
Janice Stucke prefers Plan D and E. Asks if ventilation systems will be updated and if school buildings will be cleaned between instruction days. #RPSBoard
Doug and Lorna Tempest had a son who tested COVID positive and was asymptomatic. Asks questions about the data but it gets cut off. #RPSBoard
Anne Forrester urges for option E because it’s the only option to protect people’s health. Planning for virtual now gives them enough time to do it right. #RPSBoard
Annette Smothers prefers option C. Thinks it’s important to get young ones back in schools. #RPSBoard
Stephen Straus is a teacher who supports option E. Doesn’t think they should return in person until a vaccine is widely available for COVID. #RPSBoard
Loren McAdams is a teacher who had 2 students hospitalized with fevers and flu like symptoms. She then tells a horrific story of how she may have had COVID but couldn’t get COVID testing.

Erney Davis supports option E. Don’t endanger children and teachers. #RPSBoard
Robin Keegan supports option E. Virtual isn’t perfect but navigating those problems is less daunting and less deadly. #RPSBoard
Elizabeth Yeakel is a teacher wanted option A until she read an article about COVID cases among Hispanic population in the city. She doesn’t believe we can take such a risk with the lives of students. She’s now in favor of option E. #RPSBoard
Elizabeth Jorgensen-Best is concerned about mental health based on safe reopening as they have to obey strict developmentally inappropriate behavioral expectations with social distancing which is difficult for students of trauma. #RPSBoard
Louis Luna is in favor of option E so RPS will have an effective virtual option with time to create a fully funded logistically feasible plan for reopening schools in the third semester. #RPSBoard
Chloe Grant’s VCU professors are teaching online this fall. In person puts youth and teachers at risk and it’s not worth it. Option E is the only option. #RPSBoard
Tanya Francis is in favor of plan A and plan B. #RPSBoard
Shannon Hodges is an employee and parent and is concerned parents/staff have t been provided enough info to make a sound choice. Asks how transportation will work. Will additional custodians be hired. What is protocol if someone is diagnosed. #RPSBoard
David Pickard is a teacher supports option E. Cites young students self control. They want to touch everything, everyone, and put their hands in their mouth. Many classrooms are too small to keep students separated. #RPSBoard
Katherine Shearer is a teacher supporting option D if there are adequate safety measures for high need students and staff members including staff members ability to go online if they decide it is no longer safe for them to be in person. #RPSBoard
Jessica Diaz is a teacher asking for option E. Speaks about the high rate of Hispanic population COVID rates. #RPSBoard
Stephanie Hooks is a parent and teacher in support of option E. #RPSBoard
Lindsay Wilcox is a teacher who doesn’t believe they are prepared to handle any potential outbreaks or obstacles COVID presents if they open in the fall. #RPSBoard
Tiera Kelly supports option E for first semester or until there’s a vaccine. She’s a teacher who is worried about safety of students, colleagues, and herself. #RPSBoard
Ben Himmelfarb supports starting school year virtually. As a public librarian he sees people able to direct their own learning. Mandatory 8 hours in a classroom is only one model of education that doesn’t suit all students. #RPSBoard
Jessica Parker wants a fully virtual option until the third grading period. Says so much is unknown about this virus but what we do know is that it has the potential to kill infected persons. Says that is enough information for her. #RPSBoard
Tameka Hicks feels kids should stay home where it’s safe and do chrome books. #RPSBoard
Kenisha Christmas is a parent and they need in person school as they don’t take virtual school seriously. She’s a single mother of 4 kids and it is very hard. #RPSBoard
Heather Simpkins is a teacher in Henrico County and wants the board to match what the other counties do. She suggests going back in person and going from there so she can get to know students. #RPSBoard
Mary Eck is a teacher in support of Option E. Says any percent of child deaths is too much. #RPSBoard
Kiara Barnes is concerned about returning to school in the fall. Her 13 year old is a hugger and hugs out of instinct. Her 7 year old was born a premie. She didn’t survive the NICU to be demised by COVID. #RPSBoard
Dierdre Wallerson thinks elementary school should be virtual because young students aren’t going to understand social distancing or keep a mask on. #RPSBoard
Aszaleigh Jenkins-Rogers Asks how preschools fit in. She doesn’t agree with starting in person sessions for preschoolers. #RPSBoard
Meikiya Brooks is a parent and wants plan A. says social interaction is important. #RPSBoard
Elizabeth Wait is a teacher and says the worst possible decision you can make is to not make a decision at all. #RPSBoard
Ella Ille says start with plan E. #RPSBoard
Sarah Warner would support hybrid plan but give consideration to parents with children in different schools. Need kids in school in same days. #RPSBoard
Martin McFadden wants option E. #RPSBoard
Kristen Reinbold has concerns about the adult spread of COVID in the building before the infection is caught. Says option E is safest to follow. #RPSBoard
Leslie Saul is a community advocate for Congolese refugee families who says it is not safe to open schools. #RPSBoard
Jennifer Eisner says her senior is stressed about virtual school because it’s not effective. Says virtual school is performing education. #RPSBoard
Tawana Wood is a teacher in favor of virtual. Safety comes first. Says they aren’t professional babysitters. They shape minds. #RPSBoard
Sherry Paulchell prefers virtual classes.... true classes.... it worksheets. As a teacher she wants to be in a classroom but as a parent she’s terrified to send her child to school. #RPSBoard
Dollree Gardner is a parent who supports virtual learning. This way parents know that their child or children are safe. Cites asymptomatic carriers. #RPSBoard
Natalie Patino-Wright is a parent and teacher. What kids need more than being in a school or online is consistency. Argued that learning in school will be more difficult with the restrictions in place. Asks for virtual. #RPSBoard
Thomas DeVaughn has questions about the plans.

It looks like he is comparing an old plan survey to the updated plans. #RPSBoard
Of note, this was not read. In her disclaimer, Owen said that she was only reading reopening comments but they read @AnsPerkins comments that were primarily about public comment soooooo.... 🤷🏻‍♀️ #RPSBoard
Mira Signer and Abbie Kinnebrew feel like they don’t have enough details to weigh in and support in person options. They would like to know class size and if it will differ b/w 2/5 day options. #RPSBoard
Alice Meyre supports plans A, D, and E in that order. #RPSBoard
George Smallfield supports plan B or C. Adds there should be an in person incentive for teaching as wouldn’t we all like to work from home these days. Says children’s outcomes and low infection rates means risk can be managed. #RPSBoard
Mr. and Mrs. W. Cooper are essential workers with autistic, asthmatic elementary school children. Say virtual learning will be a sacrifice but they are willing to make it in order to keep their children safe and alive. #RPSBoard
Shelly J. Asks what will process be for issues in main office (morning crowds)? Is it worth the risk for children to be exposed to each other on bus? Can kids learn from home? #RPSBoard
Miracle Johnson says she isn’t good teaching her kids full time. She knows day care can’t help her kids. They need face to face learning. #RPSBoard
Giordanno Buffo is in favor of option E in favor of virtual. Says there are too many unknowns to go back to in person. What if there is an outbreak? #RPSBoard
Rachel Smith says she supports Option E. Concerned in person will look nothing like it used to. Elementary are used to working in groups with hands on experiences. Can’t do that in COVID world. #RPSBoard
Evan Young says Plan B makes the most sense. #RPSBoard
Jordan Pye supports option E. Protect health and safety above all else. #RPSBoard
Juan Camejo is a teacher with concerns:
- transportation
- class size
- face coverings provided
- hand sanitizing provided
- screen everyone daily
- communication

Marci Semeraro is a teacher who fears for everyone’s overall health and potential academic decline. She’s been teaching virtual summer camp and parents are telling her how wonderful online learning is. She supports plan A. #RPSBoard
Tracy Samson has a student who refuses to do virtual schooling. She’s terrified what one year with no school will look like. #RPSBoard
Jackie Small asks for option E as VA has 900 more confirmed COVID cases than when schools closed in March. #RPSBoard
Nicole Johnson is a teacher and supports plan E as it gives parents and teachers weeks to prepare for the new school year. #RPSBoard
Lauren Methena supports option A as it serves the greatest variety of needs in the community. She is very impressed with the virtual summer camp program. #RPSBoard
Monique Ferrell is a parent who will not put her children in harms way. Do school virtually. #RPSBoard
It has been 2 hours. We are on page 71 of 122 pages of public comment. The clerk turns the meeting over to Chair Owen. #RPSBoard
Now they are going through and reading a list of people who just said the plan they support.

I’m getting dinner while this happens. #RPSBoard
Okay now I have reheated Mac and cheese and we are receiving for action recommended school reopening scenarios. Here’s the link to the document. #RPSBoard…
Kamras is reviewing the plans. Plan A is hybrid. Plan B is full virtual and full in person. Plan C is full virtual for MS/HS with full in person for ES. Plan D is full virtual for 95% students and in person for high needs students. This is plan D’s “which students.” #RPSBoard
Plan E is full virtual for everyone. #RPSBoard
Kamras says his heart and mind have been torn on how to proceed. He says after enormous reflection his recommendation is Option E... fully virtual. #RPSBoard
Gibson motions to adopt Option E with regular updated to board about progress and planning. Barlow seconded. #RPSBoard
Page wants to amend the motion that the board revisit at the appropriate time to continue virtual in January. Gibson says she thinks that was included in her original motion. #RPSBoard
Young says we are faced with all bad options. Has reservations with option E because it is at odds with what Dr Danny Avula presented at their last meeting regarding under age 12. He is concerned about students being a year behind. #RPSBoard
He’s concerned about all the families who will be evicted. Says virtual doesn’t seem to go along with survey results. Lastly it precludes the capacity to course correct compared to hybrid approach. #RPSBoard
Gibson wants to move forward with a plan that puts the health of students above all else. She wants to formalize next steps. Wants board to give community a 4 week notice when they will be back in school physically. Esp. If it’s possible to bring students back earlier than Jan.
She wants a clear overview from a technology standpoint of where students are at. She asked for a lot more things but I missed a lot of them because she had her notes ready ready and read through them super fast. #RPSBoard
Sapini seems to support virtual. #RPSBoard
Burke is elated that Kamras has suggested E and she supports plan E wholeheartedly. She asks if some teachers wanted to come in and work their virtual classes from school and not home would that be possible? #RPSBoard
Burke asks revisiting Gibson’s original motion because she didn’t hear a date to reopen like Page suggested. Wilson says the motion didn’t originally have it but when Page said it and Gibson said she wanted it, she added it. #RPSBoard
Kamras clarifies that Plan E says full virtual for the first semester so if the board wanted a change to that they would have to make a change to that. Kamras says they will continue presenting on the data to keep ahead of it. #RPSBoard
Cosby, out of order, asks if this is updates monthly or every board meeting. Answer is every board meeting. Owen says the motion can be just adopt Option E since it’s included in the plan. Cosby has another clarification.... does 2nd semester begin in Jan or Feb. #RPSBoard
While Kamras is checking... Doerr would like a standard process that includes monitoring community transmission rates.

Doerr is also in support of virtual. I think that’s 5 votes in favor of virtual so it looks like Option E is set to pass. #RPSBoard
Doerr is worried about the loss of daily membership with people considering opting out of virtual in favor of home school which would impact funding so how can they think through that. #RPSBoard
Barlow says this virus is out of control. He says we will need to go on supporting our teachers and students in virtual options. Says there are too many unknowns to support an in person option. #RPSBoard
Page says she fully supports option E. Says it’s the only thing that makes sense because first and foremost is making sure families, children, and staff are safe. #RPSBoard
Cosby says she supports option E. #RPSBoard
“If there is complete buy in and trust, any plan will work.” - Burke #RPSBoard
Sapini says as COVID testing increases it would be great for everyone to get tested as a baseline prep for everyone to transition from plan E in January. #RPSBoard
Owen says she appreciates the robust discussion and all the work that has been put in. She agrees with the virtual option. She is concerned with students having the help they need to succeed in a virtual environment but has faith in administration. #RPSBoard
We’re about to vote on option E with status updates on virtual education at each meeting as we move toward reopening.

Omg. We’re going back and forth about if we did or didn’t amend the motion. #RPSBoard
According to Plan E we would be fully virtual first semester and absent any other action of the board we would be back in person February 8th which is the 2nd semester.

They keep clarifying this over and over. #RPSBoard
The board is voting to adopt Option E, fully virtual, to start school on September 8th.

Yes: Gibson, Barlow, Cosby, Page, Sapini, Doerr, Burke, Owen
No: Young

Motion passes 8-1

Now we are moving onto a discussion on the possibility of a year round calendar for schools. My computer internet got wonky so I missed Doerr’s intro. #RPSBoard
Young thinks because of what they just adopted, it will be mission critical to adopt a year round calendar. #RPSBoard
Page would like administration to provide information to #RPSBoard on what year round school would look like. #RPSBoard
Doerr motions that the administration comes to the board with several options for year round calendaring. It’s been seconded. Kamras says he is excited to explore this but wants to be sensitive to the team’s capacity and they need to be focused on something they’ve never done.
Which is open an entire school system virtually. So if the board would give him some grace on this, he could pull together something that is done well if they can focus on opening the fully virtual school and then come to the board after opening with the options.
Cosby questions start dates as it relates to the COVID slide. Kamras says absent any other action by the board, they are starting September 8th. He discourages starting sooner because of the enormity of the work ahead. #RPSBoard
Kamras says the most concrete impact wouldn’t be felt til next summer. He says that to say there is a little bit of time. Constructing a year round schedule is going to be tied to where we are at with the virus. We need to know more. #RPSBoard
Doerr says have it in the back of our mind that there may be calendar changes. Also something slightly more urgent is if we can lobby for more funding at the state level to support a year round calendar we should do that. #RPSBoard
Burke says she’s always been in favor of year round schools. But we need to keep the main thing the main thing and that’s the education process. Opening schools is a lot. Don’t take away from that effort. #RPSBoard
Young is okay with September on an initial report, not necessarily something detailed with all of the options. Says summer feels like forever from now but it’ll be here before they know it. #RPSBoard
You know... this board has to survive an election before they see next summer. Heck... one of the last decisions some of them make on this board might be reopening schools in January. #RememberNovember #RPSBoard
Cosby says the bottom line is there are students who have been significantly impacted by COVID and engaged with academic instruction and we need to make sure we have additional time to engage and get them to where they need to be and that may mean changing the calendar. #RPSBoard
Gibson has some frustration when we say we need to focus on the main thing because that was her concern when they adopted a new cirriculum. #RPSBoard
Gibson asks for the calendar to be reviewed period since there were some half days: do those still make sense now that they are virtual. #RPSBoard
Young says they should revisit the $12M in federal funding for COVID. #RPSBoard
Burke believes in year round schools but let’s not do it piecemeal. Doing it too quickly now will be piecemeal. #RPSBoard
Burke would like to amend the motion. She seems to be wanting to add a time limit of having Kamras come back in November. Kamras interjects and basically says kick off schools and then they include that in regular discussions to be part of budget discussions completed by Dec.
They are voting on the motion that Kamras come to the board with several options for year round school

Yes: Doerr, Cosby, Young, Sapini, Barlow, Gibson
No: Page, Burke, Owen

Passes 6-3

They just approved having the Chief of Staff sign for the Superintendent in the Superintendent’s absence. #RPSBoard
Now they are on this budget transfer that will split one Spanish teacher between fisher and westover hills.

Motion passes 9-0. #RPSBoard
No new business. #RPSBoard
No announcements. #RPSBoard
Meeting adjourns at 10PM. #RPSBoard
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