- US hit 149k a month ago, highest worldwide by far
- Peru & Ecuador now have world’s highest *rates*
- South Africa into excess
Free to read: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

Whole top tow of hulking red peaks is Latin America.
@jude_webber & I wrote about Mexico City’s soaring death toll, which is hugely under-counted in official figures ft.com/content/5746d3…
Mexico City & Lima are now 2nd and 3rd behind NYC worldwide.

This is 60% higher than the number of Covid deaths reported in these countries at the time.
You can freely access all our raw data here:
India 🇮🇳 & African countries our top targets, but any country appreciated
Ideally daily, weekly or monthly data, for multiple years including 2020. Can be for 1 town or city, not just nationally
📦➡ coronavirus-data@ft.com 🙏
There’s a danger the scale of Africa’s pandemic is being under-reported due to shortages of both testing & data, risking the continent’s plight being overlooked.