More #Sick from this sick administration.
If you follow the slug trail of this man & admin from the beginning you see the relentless drive to dismantling our civil institutions in favor of militaristic/authoritarian ones.
While the polls & apparently the public will are increasingly against Trump, do not think that is sufficient to dislodge this pest.
There are tricks yet that he, Barr, & others can pull that could easily
frustrate the "consent of the Governed".
Oregon Senator Ron Wyden (D) said: “Trump & Homeland Security must now answer why fed[era]l officers are acting like an occupying army.”
Why indeed.
And where else will this frontal assault next break out?
Another facet of this attack.
The artificial propping up of the stock market.
Not sure of all the details, what seems most likely, is post election, when Tr is defeated, all this will come crashing down.
It will be Trumps "Is Paris Burning?" moment.
None of this was "voted" for, even by the MAGA's who thought they were getting something altogether different.
All of it was easily known. But there was a thick pall of short sighted grievance infecting the citizenry. Largely inculcated by Trump&Co in the first place.
Easily known, but obstinately rejected.
Cassandra tells her tale, & is mocked. Her warnings are not only mocked but used as the reason to ignore them.
"It cant possibly happen here"...
Which will soon be replaced by
"How did that happen?
Who could have possibly known?
This is a DISTURBING event/moment in our history.
It is stupifying that citizens voted for this morally vacant man. Now we, along with those unfortunates, are finding out what has been unleashed on the country.
This article is a sharp telling of the issue.…
Here the weaponizing of the DOJ.
Filled with sycophantic incompetents, whose claim on the offices they have got appointed to is not expertise, but loyalty to the boss.
Trump says "... make sure this never happens again in the country"...
And then immediately contradicts himself, revealing his vicious intents to destroy the Justice system in his blank rage of revenge.
This is what raw power that believes itself to be unconstrained looks like.
The historical examples are harsh.
He has no power of his own. He is co-opting the power America has developed & contorting it into his small, destructive, self-serving, cruel intentions.
Like most of Trump's dictatorial, and mind boggling stupid, ideas, this one will never happen.
But it will create more chaos and unnecessary suffering, while doing nothing to address the problems/issues.
And it reveals more than it could possibly solve, about who Tr is at core
Tr truly believes he is the 'smartest' in the room.
He is a pathetic little man, but one who is himself unconstrained by principles or shame or oaths to office or country.
This enables him to do things that normally constituted humans are capable and/or unwilling to do.
As if we need more proof & discourse re the absolute incompetence of Trump... But we do. We are desperate for it. The violent, vindictive, angry man is a threat.
So here: a serious, in-depth report re details generally only superficially known/understood.
The really amazing thing is how many citizens have been infected with this blood lust level of seething violence, ready to break out on command.
It has been seen once. The fires seem to be stoked & hotter.
Just the appeal to violence should be evidence enough of the unadulterated disqualification of this tribe of would-be Huns, from ever being given power.
Trump, & all that wave his flag, are unworthy of the position they seek to occupy. Along with his and their hopes to destroy
One of the core principles making America unique & is foundational to Every Single Thing good about America is the separation of the Religious from the Civil.
When this distinction is breached there is no more America, but Giliad.
Religion has to thrive on its own... and be utterly independent of the power that is invested in the Civil Governmental structure.
When Religion longs for that power, & then couples with it to form a unified power base there is no more anything that resembles America.
The Devil's own bargain made with the original so-called "moral majority" - a profoundly flawed & misnamed movement, but as profoundly effective in the Machiavellian move- was to abandon Christ & Christian principles for the power offered to them by the political establishment.
There is an Achilles heel in the axioms of democracy enabling its attackers to use the system to destroy the system.
Exampled w Tr: The difficulty of the Justice system to respond to that level of criminality, the system does not know how to deal with that quality of malevolence.
This is the essence of the argument of the book "How Democracies Perish" written in the '80s.
It is happening in Europe and democracies across the world. The assault by those who take power & then use that power to deny any challenge to their power.
We are in embroiled in the
conflict in ways that are just now becoming clear & obvious.
Witness NC. Wisconsin. Extreme gerrymandering, as well as the outright statements made by the MAGA "American Taliban".
Fox "news" is exposed. As is the current leader, Trump.
& etc. The war reports are well known now.