1) No audience to get sign ups
2) No peers to bounce ideas
3) No dev friends to build MVPs
4) No experienced makers showing how it’s done
If you have the same constraints, here’s how to get to the other side.
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Everyone starts at 0. But there are places where your audience hangs out. Make the effort & be present there. I spent countless hours on @IndieHackers, @ProductHunt Makers Forum and interacted first. I would myself sign up for others’ beta apps and give feedback.
It’s hard to get quality feedback from makers (not friends/family) but it is vital. Join meetups in your city. If there’s no good ones, start one.
I started @zerotoonemakers welcomed people who would geek out abt products like me. We met every Friday 4p for 2 yrs.
I may not have them in my immediate orbit but Twitter has so many great makers who show the way. I curated who I followed & discovered @levelsio @mubashariqbal @rrhoover from whom I learned a ton watching their execution. I hope my content can help you now
Believe in the power of compound interest. Fail often. But don’t quit.
Play the long game, enjoy what you do, be curious and share in public. You’ll be on your way to be a prolific maker in due time 👊🏻