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Other approaches are much better routes to community safety.
Youth programs cut over summer. Way to engage youth.
Lot of noise complaints, check on homeless encampments, etc.
If we put those in the hands of CBOs, we reduce the need for police
Now speaking: Sherae Lascelles…
Turning over to Jerrell
Jackie: Haven't heard any? CC is working off the community proposal, no objections so far. Will update if there are.
Becoming an org, being incorporated, doesn't have to be the only path.
They talk a lot about equity but do very little to addressing material needs.
Jackie: We are really holding the line that this money needs to go to CBOs. The Part. Budget process is the key. It's not a one-time thing. Need to change how the city does business.
Jackie: Make sure communities that have been historically over-policed and experienced police violence get priority in the the research/participatory process and funding allotment.