Rest in Peace Nadeem Mumtaz 😢
You are so familiar yet I just can’t place you!
Having been away from Lahore for half an age has made me lose touch with half a life!
@NabihaMeher this is a thread about memories from childhood to a time Lahore became alien to me!

#FazalDinSons The Mall Lahore, my earliest memory is going with my Dadi Mrs Ghulam Nabi Malik as a toddler to what was a shop with stairs, a veranda, an imposing tall door, & dark polished show cases, even as a toddler awesome interior was foreboding!
The Carminative misture,
The Calamina Lotion, & the dreaded Anti-lice lotion (shudders even now) which none did better!
The wooden floor reminded me of tap-dancing & the gent at the end of the hall standing up to welcome us! Always knew we Grandchildren were home for the holidays & a warm handshake
Before the advent of ‘patent’ medicines we waited for the prescription to be filled!
Then came 1978 & our trips to Lahore became a week a year affair!
Yet from Sanda road in 54 to Ganda Nulla next to LOS, to Zaildar Park Ichra, to Main Gulberg, & Muslim Town in 1975
& the opening of med stores, the drive to FD on the Mall was a must - the regal haleem stop, long gone now Imperial Books, the Hico padle van on the corner of the Horseshoe added attractions!
The welcome was always the same, sadly missed last I went few years back!
HKB at Regal, Al Fateh Tollinton, Zaheer Sons & Hakim Sahab on The Mall opp the Dyal Singh, Shezan Restaurants, Rollo, Zaidi’s, Feroz Sons, Salloo’s in WAPDA house
Things that made Lahore Lahore aie true for us!
And today another brick less!
Allah maghfirat farmae aamin