1 of 17. Most Americans have no idea what the #PalaceLetters scandal is about. We need to pay closer attention. Like our Australian brethren, we Americans tend to underestimate Britain's influence over our affairs. It's time to wake up. zerohedge.com/geopolitical/d…
2 of 17. On November 11, 1975, Australian Prime Minister #GoughWhitlam was dismissed by Sir #JohnKerr, the Governor-General of Australia. The Australian people were stunned. Until that moment, they'd never fully understood the awesome power of #TheQueen. theconversation.com/australian-pol…
3 of 17. Australia is a #CommonwealthRealm, which means the Queen is head of state. She appoints a local viceroy or "Governor-General" to rule in her place, wielding all royal powers, including power to dissolve Parliament or dismiss the Prime Minister. themonarchists.com/the-realms/
4 of 17. Presently, the Queen rules 16 #CommonwealthRealms or #QueensRealms, among them Canada, Australia and New Zealand, with a combined population of 130 million on five continents. Each has a governor-general, assigned to govern in the Queen's name. metrocosm.com/british-crown-…
5 of 17. Whitlam was dismissed 45 years ago, but Australians are still trying to figure out how it happened. Their confusion is understandable. The laws governing royal power have been deliberately obscured by layers of contradictory legal formulations. lawteacher.net/free-law-essay…
6 of 17. In 2016, Australian historian #JennyHocking tried to get hold of the secret correspondence between #QueenElizabeth and #JohnKerr concerning #TheDismissal. After 3 1/2 years in court, the letters were finally released on Tuesday, July 14. slate.com/news-and-polit…
7 of 17. The 212 letters and telegrams clearly show that the Queen's private secretary Sir #MartinCharteris approved #TheDismissal in advance, communicating his approval to Kerr in guarded words, carefully chosen to maximize deniability. smh.com.au/national/the-p…
8 of 17. Readers must decide for themselves whether they believe Kerr's claim that he and Charteris took it upon themselves to remove an Australian Prime Minister without consulting #TheQueen. cnn.com/2020/07/13/aus…
9 of 17. Predictably, the British press has come to #TheQueen's rescue by trying to shift blame to the United States, painting #JohnKerr as a CIA stooge. theguardian.com/commentisfree/…
10 of 17. Given the "special relationship" and the #FiveEyes (#FVEY) treaty, it is difficult to believe that the CIA would have encroached on British turf so recklessly, unless expressly asked to do so. bbc.com/news/world-eur…
11 of 17. Here is the case for CIA involvement in #TheDismissal, brought to you by @jaraparilla.
12 of 17. All of which brings us to the matter of #AlexanderDowner. On May 10, 2016, the Australian diplomat tried to solicit from #Trump advisor #GeorgePapadopoulos incriminating statements to frame candidate #DonaldTrump as a Russian spy. #RussiaHoax theguardian.com/us-news/2019/m…
13 of 17. Subsequently, in July 2016, #RobertHannigan, then-head of Britain's #GCHQ eavesdropping agency, personally contacted then-#CIA chief #JohnBrennan to warn him that #Trump might be a Russian spy. #Russiagate #Obamagate theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/a…
14 of 17. Plainly, UK and Australian intel were colluding to undermine a U.S. election. Tellingly, #GCHQ head #RobertHannigan suddenly resigned just three days after #Trump's inauguration. #Russiagate #Obamagate theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/j…
15 of 17. #GeorgePapadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) tweeted on July 12 that the U.K. and Australia are "stonewalling" U.S. investigators, refusing to give up #AlexanderDowner.
16 of 17. Given these facts, I am forced to ask whether the release of the #PalaceLetters, the hasty absolution of the Queen, and the deflection of blame onto the CIA, might be deliberate distractions from #AlexanderDowner's crimes against the American people. #Obamagate
17 of 17. Regarding the #PalaceLetters scandal, #AlexanderDowner tweeted yesterday, "There goes another conspiracy theory!" He doesn't seem to be taking this seriously. #Russiagate #Obamagate
2/3 George Soros was bound to the British Establishment by an intricate web of business relationships revolving around an outfit called St. James Place Capital, owned by the late Lord Jacob Rothschild. richardpoe.substack.com/p/how-the-brit…
3/3 In short, Soros served the THIRD BRITISH EMPIRE.
What's that?
The Brits themselves invented the term "Third British Empire" to describe the global government they created after WW1, first through the League of Nations, then the UN.
Columbia University social work professors Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven — a married couple — presented their plan in a May 2, 1966 article in THE NATION.
They called for a new movement to bankrupt NY's welfare system by flooding it with impossible demands.
3/7 Morton Halperin was a key figure in the founding of Media Matters. As a high-ranking national security official, Halperin has been manipulating US media and undermining US presidents since the 1960s and '70s.
@PeterRQuinones 1/13
.@PeterRQuinones, thank you for your interest in my book, HOW THE BRITISH INVENTED COMMUNISM (AND BLAMED IT ON THE JEWS). I gather you haven't read it yet, as certain of your comments seem irrelevant to my subject matter. Let me give you a breakdown. amazon.com/British-Invent…
@PeterRQuinones 2/13
In my book, I present evidence that the British secret services have been conducting what we now call "color revolutions" for more than 200 years, including the French and Russian Revolutions.
@PeterRQuinones 3/13
In my book, I point out that the Age of Revolution (which lasted roughly from the late 18th century to the early 20th century) coincided exactly with the rise of Great Britain to global hegemony. In my opinion, this was no coincidence.
POP QUIZ: How did Julian Assange first become famous?
ANSWER: In 2007, Assange and his new website Wikileaks helped destabilize Kenya, interfering in its general election, and helping to trigger a bloodbath that killed more than 1,100 Kenyans. theguardian.com/world/blog/201…
Assange freely admitted his role in the Kenyan color revolution.
In 2010, he boasted to The Guardian that Wikileaks had "changed the result" of Kenya's 2007 election.
2/7 Stone tells Noor that he first learned of Britain's hidden influence from the Larouche publication Executive Intelligence Review (EIR).
Stone researched the topic further in his Princeton bachelor's thesis, which became his 2012 book NEW WORLD ORDER. mansworldmag.online/in-conversatio…
3/7 According to Stone, agents of the British Round Table Group spent decades recruiting and indoctrinating US elites, preparing America for its planned role as global policeman of a British-engineered New World Order. amazon.com/New-World-Orde…