1) Parents have the right to "opt" out their children for remote learning (works for some not for many)
2) Kids are missing out beyond academics but in personal growth (learning to get along w/ othere, dealing w/ bullies, emotional maturation
- Children whose both parents must work
- 1 Parent households where the parent must work
- Low income families where the child depends on 2 meals/day at school, heat/AC & safe learning environment
- real world example: My sister teaches in a lower income school district where remote learning did not work
- Rotating "father" figures come & go
- Parent(s) are adidicts
- Shootings in neighborhood
- no "safe" place for learning
- they ALL deserve the opportunity to learn
- they all do not come from structured environments
- they do not all come from families of means
Are US Governors competent to make decisions about future generation?