1) HoC becomes a fossilised institution, honoured in the breach by a rampantly authoritarian Tory government....
To achieve this, Sir Lindsay needs to do... precisely nothing. Carry on turning the creaking Parliamentary cogs, as if nothing were wrong.
To achieve this, Sir Lindsay will need to be bold. With others, he will have to find new ways of working...
So, what will the Speaker do? Nothing, or something? What is to be his legacy?
I see that @campbellclaret (Alastair, see whole thread) thinks similarly.

As @campbellclaret points out in his piece, @LindsayHoyle_MP, the "good chaps" approach on which HoC etiquette and procedure is based *no longer works*.
Change is needed. And it is needed *now*.

I see I am not alone in my views.
If @LindsayHoyle_MP sees himself as "not a fact checker", what are the implication of that stance for honesty and integrity in HoC?