Real Estate is suffering and is expected to suffer a lot in coming year , then why I'm buying Godrej Properties ?
Why #GodrejProperty ?
Why not #Oberoi ,#Koltepatil , #Purvankra , or #DLF ?
Reason ! :Because #GodrejProperty meets my all investment checklist .

Reason 6 : #Godrejproperty has initiated an asset light model where it ties -up with struggling developers who have land but unable to build it sell the projects .
Godrej gives the its brand name , expertise , money to complete the project without investing in land .

Reason 7 - Every market,in long run ,becomes organized, where brand leaders take the bigger share -same like any other consumer product - soap,fans,shoes,clothes or whatever.
Real estate slowly is moving towards that where leading brands would start taking higher share.
1.This thread to record my own thoughts
2. My investment thinking horizon is always 5-10 years .Hence my buying is also gradual- prefer to buy during correction phase.