Let me show you practical cases @daba_school

Note the words in that chat "i am broke sir, let me pay twice for that course that is on discount "
Note the date 19th december 2019
He went through the money code class then the remaining course and took of his journey yo making money online..
He is still thanking @daba_school

see his progress so far
To him trading on an exchange like @binance and @yellowcardio (two financial product) is sweet as he has learnt this skill @daba_school

He is now close to 5million naira as at June 21.
Fast forward to 15th Of July he shared with me that he has bought one plot of land. Imagine telling this young man in december 2019 to invest his entire money in one app that pays 15% yearly

We have financial products and the king of all', greatest invention of our time ; the internet that can make a 3rd world citizen prosperous in the midst of national economic chaos in his or her country.