For those two months, I lived outside of City Hall. Just a block from where protesters rally today.
But in 8 years, the demands from my hunger strike become reality. Tens of thousands of Portlanders have been helped.
Frankly, it makes me a little sad to see the same pattern of critiques and dismissals against protestors, 8 years later.
Protests have always been raw, beautiful, messy. And they've always been pivotal to lasting political change.
I have to ask, "But why?"
Why must we ignore? Why do we have to laugh? Why do we spend so much our time fighting about our differences instead of collaborating on goals?
Thank you for enduring the blows of police batons and the clouds of tear gas. Thank you for enduring the harsh judgement and sharp critiques from your fellow Portlanders. Please keep going.
We're all going to get a lot farther, and faster, once we realize our society is broken and in desperate need of healing.