Ducks are friendly, affectionate pets & with proper care, a duck can live to 10 years.
As an added bonus, will lay you delicious fresh eggs. Ducks start laying eggs at about 6-7months old.
It's 30% bigger than chicken egg, Pastries prefer Duck egg bcs of it's higher fat content which makes baked food rises higher & faster.
It contains more cholesterol & calories.
It tastes more eggy & more protein, omega 3 &iron
Duck can conveniently feed on chicken feeds..starter..grower.. Even layers. They cannot swallow food without water ensure they have access to good water all times.
Unlike chicken, Duck are very
The diff btw male & female duck.
Male ducks have a little tail feather that curls at the tip of his tail. He will usually follow behind her & be the quieter of the two.
Male duck has extremely high sex drive they can bread a female duck to death, pls observe the golden rule.
1 Drake to 12 hen
It's quite easy to rear a DUCK you should give it a try 😉
Thank you 😊