Who do Muslims consider to be our protector? (A thread)
A narrative we hear, sometimes even from scholarly figures is that in order to ensure our protection as Muslims & secure our religious freedoms we must collaborate in such a way that some of our values are compromised...
..even if it means supporting the agendas of lobby groups who hold views and have agendas that are antithetical to Islam.
Scholars and Muslim leaders of the West, read this incident between Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq and Ibn ad-Daghinah and marvel at the Iman (faith) of Abu Bakr (RA)..
When things became unbearable in Makkah and Muslims were being persecuted, Ibn ad-Daghinah saw that Abu Bakr was setting out to migrate to Abbysinia. He told him to go back & that he would protect him using the system of jiwar or asylum/protection that a dignitary could extend..
to any person. He went to the leaders of Quraish to accost them, saying:
"A man like Abu Bakr should not leave his homeland, nor should he be driven out. Do you (i.e. Quraish) drive out a man who helps the destitute, provides their living, keeps good relations with his kith & kin
helps the weak and poor, entertains guests generously and helps the calamity-stricken people?"
So Quraish could not refuse Ibn Ad-Daghina's protection and they endorsed his covenant of protection as long as Abu Bakr would only worship indoors and not in public.
Abu Bakr later on made a mosque in his house and Quraish were angry and afraid that their children and women might notice and get attracted to Islam and so they asked Ibn ad-Daghina to stop Abu-Bakr from gathering people in his house in this way.
Ibn ad-Daghinah went to Abu Bakr and said: “You know on which conditions I gave you my covenant, so either you commit to this or give me back my jiwar, for I do not like Arabs to hear that I reneged on a covenant I gave to a man.”
What do you think Abu Bakr said?
“Here I give you back your jiwar (covenant of protection), and I’m satisfied with the PROTECTION OF ALLAH,”
Subhan Allah. What a man. How poor is our Iman that even before we have faced any kind or real persecution in the West...
...we jump to compromise on our principles to prevent any level of struggle that people of truth will and have inevitably faced for time immemorial.
Hold tight to your principles brothers & sisters.
We do not need the protection of those who would insist we undermine our Deen.
There is no true protection except Allah’s protection. And that is at risk when we do not uphold the principles He charged us with.
At the same time, be willing to face discomfort- yes to migrate, yes to endure struggle. Toughen up for tough times ahead.
May Allah protect us.
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I don’t think lefties get it.
Islam is not communism. We reject communism as an ideology.
Communist regimes have wrought havoc across the world and especially upon their own populations. Communism is materialistic in its very DNA, seeing humans as mere resources for nations. Islam has a superior system. Lefties, you should embrace Islam as the ultimate alternative to unbridled capitalism and materialism.
1/ We reject communism’s atheism. While it sees religion as "the opium of the people," leading to nihilism and lack of moral boundaries, our faith in the Creator and the guidance revealed by the Creator is the foundation of life and purpose.
How I brought my children up with Arabic as one of their languages - despite not being an Arab.
Arabic is not my first language. I grew up reading the Qur'an & not understanding it until I was 16 and went to Egypt to learn Classical Arabic. So how did my kids learn Arabic?
Children have the propensity to learn languages like a native until they are around 12 years old, when their brains change modes and certain types of language acquisition and pronunciation become harder. Children learn languages through osmosis - essentially immersion.
So first of all I recited Qur'an to my child (having studied Qur'an recitation myself) till they began memorising Qur'an themselves. Apart from the blessings of learning Qur'an, this meant my child's brain was becoming used to Arabic sounds and cadence.
@GoldingBF Secondary schools and doctors in UK literally give underage girls access to contraception and the pill without informing their parents. This young lady has been saved.
@GoldingBF Young and elderly English people are embracing Islam.
Girls in the West are groomed away from the protection of their fathers and menfolk. They have to fend for themselves as soon as they mature. When a man shows a modicum of protective jealousy or sets standards, he is shamed. This opens girls up to abuse.
“Are you saying all men are predators?”
No. But good men have to protect women from the predatory men. When a society tells men that women don’t need them, they don’t need their protection or guardianship…the wolves in that society have a banquet.
Islam seeks to protect girls from the cradle to the grave. Her father is responsible for her care & provision until she gets married. He is her guardian. He facilitates her getting married. Then her husband is responsible for provision and protection.
My kid came home anxious about what humans are apparently doing to cause ‘climate change’.
How to have the ‘climate’ conversation with Muslim kids who are anxious:
1. Explain to them that Allah is in control of the world, the weather, the ‘climate’, the universe. Nothing good or bad happens without his permission. So always ask for good from Allah and expect good.
2. If all of the world gathers together to cause harm, they cannot, unless Allah allows it, if all the world got together to cause benefit, they could not without Allah allowing it. These are fundamental theological beliefs for us as Muslims and should cause us to rely on Allah… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…