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The Township of Wilmot council meeting is running a few minutes late. It's going to be a long one, with 18 delegations registered for this evening. Here's the agenda, and you can get the full package at…
Here we go.Mayor Armstrong starts the meeting and asks for a moment's silence in recognition of the tragic boating accident at the weekend.

Coun Gordijk with the land acknowledgement.
No declarations of pecuniary interest.

First item is a zoning bylaw update. Andrew Martin (Manager of Planning/EDO) is presenting a report.
The proposed bylaw changes are detailed in the agenda package on page 9.
Hands up if you knew there was a Bees Act?
Coun Fisher: Notes that there are no mentions of "tiny homes".

Mr Martin: That falls under the "Additional dwellings" category.
Coun Fisher asks if there is any news about the City of Kitchener's trial of allowing people to keep chickens. Mr Martin says he hasn't seen any reports.
Coun Pfenning thanks Mr Martin for all of his hard work preparing the new bylaws.
A zoning bylaw application from Tri-County Mennonite Homes is now being discussed by Mr Martin.
Brian Shantz is giving a presentation about the application. The staff report and other documentation is begins on page 207 of the agenda package.
The proposal is to increase the accommodation that TCMH is able to provide.
Mr J Sullivan is now addressing council. He's talking about the lack of green space in the area, and how the building work would affect that. The proposed expansion is adjacent to his property. "There's the need for us to have the space to breathe."
Coun Gordijk: Asks for confirmation if this is actually green space, or if it has already been zoned for development. Mr Martin says the land is private, but the owner has allowed public use up until now. It is zoned for development.
Mr Martin says this will be covered in detail in a subsequent report. Harold O'Krafka (Director of Development Services) confirms this. It is not a township-owned property, so it is not decreasing green space.
Coun Fisher to Mr Shantz: Says there's a real need for this in Wilmot. Has concerns about the position of the exit in relation to the bend in the road. Mr Martin says there was a traffic impact study.
Mayor Armstrong is moving the Notice of Motion up in the agenda. There are 19 delegations to discuss the Prime Ministers Path. Everyone will have 10 minutes to speak ONCE, except the 19th speaker, who will only have five minutes, due to their late registration.
The first delegation is Robert Roth. He says the Save Our Statues committee supports their Native neighbours. He says that the anti-statues is based on faulty premises. First, he says that people project their own biases onto the inanimate piece of metal.
He says that the statue does not represent racism.
Says that people on Twitter have attacked him for his views. He is now sharing the Roth family history, including his Jewish roots. Says he has felt the bite of racism many times.
Says preserving the PM Path is the best way to get the Indigenous story "out there".
Says that tucking the statues away in a museum is not the way to go. The reason we're discussing this is because the SJAM statue is out in the open in a public space.
Mr Roth says he doesn't want council to approve this motion.
Next up is Lori Campbell. Says she's provided a comprehensive package about previous consultations regarding the statues project, and The Reconciliation Commission's call to action.
Says that over 1,500 people signed the petition to remove the statues. Ms Campbell says this represents several thousand consultations. She is listing her professional credentials.

Stresses that this is not about removing statues, but about how we learn about people like SJAM.
She says that it wasn't until 1960 that Canada started to commemorate SJAM. Wonders how we knew about him before that.

Ms Campbell is now talking about resistance to Macdonald from Indigenous people and Canadians in his own time.
She says her knowledge about SJAM's history wouldn't fit on a plaque. She's asking his statue be moved to a museum.
The statues on the path in and of themselves do not have any educational value.
Ms Campbell lists all of the Macdonald's actions still have repercussions now, including the Indian Act, which still exists.

She's listing all of the insults that have been levelled at her online.
Coun Gerber: Thanks Ms Campbell for her presentation at this meeting and the previous one. He says he watched a video that details her personal story.
Next is Rachel Gordon. Disputes Mr Roth's claim that he is an ally to Indigenous people.
She describes the abuse and intimidation that she has seen when she's attended the sit-ins at the SJAM statue.
She draws comparisons between how anti-Semites talk positively about Hitler and Macdonald. She notes that she is Jewish.
Says people in the community are afraid. She says that if the statue is moved, people who want it to stay will still have access to it, as well as any educational materials. If the statue stays, that's the same as saying that people who are harmed by its presence don't matter.
Next speaker is Kate Laing. She says we have to careful how we use the word "racist". People calling out racist behaviour isn't the same as calling someone a racist.

Says it's important that people of white privilege act as allies.
Says that Indigenous people have gone out of their way to explain why the Macdonald statue is harmful. People have belittled those who have expressed their trauma by telling them to "get over it".
Indigenous people don't need education; the purpose of the statues is *settler* education.
Cheyanne Thorpe is up next. She says that racism is proudly displayed against the people who have been taking part in the weekly sit-ins, as well as threats against the peaceful protesters.

Ms Thorpes says she is disheartened and enraged.
She describes the trauma she and her family have experienced as Indigenous people.

She is sharing an Indigenous elder's story, who lives in Baden and sees the Macdonald statue every day.
"If people want to learn, they will."

Ms Thorpe is reading from an article by Luisa D'Amato in 2013.…
Next speaker is Dave Coslovich. Says he moved here a year and a half ago because it is such a welcoming community. He talks about online abuse and says people have been called racist. Says it's unacceptable.
Tells council that someone found a photo of his daughter dressed as the Disney character Pocohontas, and that she was called racist.
Says the funds to move the statues could be used more productively.

Talks about TheMuseum running large deficits. Says moving statues to a museum would be a mistake.
Says more people will see the statues outdoors, rather than moving them inside.
David Alton is next. He is describing problems with a consultation process that increases trauma.
Says a reconciliation process would be preferable, including the removal of the statues.
Talks about the increased presence of racist groups, and examples of homophobia. Implores council to amend its strategy.
John Bailey is the next speaker. A lively debate has been ignited. Says due process was previously overlooked. The Laurier report into the statues was clearly not read by township staff and council.
Mr Bailey says Jim Rodger (Createscape) was approached by Mayor Armstrong and CAO Grant Whittington. There was no transparency.
He is discussing the legal ramifications of the lack of consultation by the township in 2016.
Mr Bailey asks why people who want the statues to remain are so attached to the Macdonald statue that only arrived four years ago.
Asks for an addendum to the motion that would see the Macdonald statue moved to a safe location.
Mr Bailey addresses Mayor Armstrong's lack of apology to the people who he offended and harmed last month.
Here is my presentation just now...
James Spencer is a Baden resident. He wants to know someone who has committed atrocities deserves a statue. Sends a conflicting message to people, such as his young son.
Mr Spencer asks for the motion to amended because it would leave the statue in place. White supremacists are still visiting it, and that is dangerous to the peaceful protesters and other residents.
He asks for the Macdonald statue to be put into storage or have protective coverage during the time needed for the consultation process.
Pat and Dennis Mighton are next. Dennis says he's overwhelming sad about the split this has been caused in the community, including duelling petitions. Says council needs to show leadership.
Nancy Birss is the next speaker. She's a long-term resident of New Dundee, and she's brought many people to visit the statues. She says she's aware of Indigenous history and Canadian history. She didn't realise that there was so much discussion about these statues close to home.
Says statues shouldn't be "relegated" to museums, because hardly anyone goes.
Ms Birss has plenty of suggestions about how the conversation could continue without removing the statues.
Glen Mathers is next. Says that he spoke to a resident who said they were embarrassed because Wilmot had been labelled as racist. Mr Mathers is reading a statement from Warren Bechthold.
Mr Mathers says that this shouldn't be about finding a winner or loser. Says that the Macdonald statue is something we can learn from. It's already caused conversations.
He shows a photo of the three women councillors posing with the Kim Campbell statue.
Mr Mathers asks for council to maintain the statue project, and asks the township to donate land for Indigenous statues.
Next is Aimee Coslovich. Says she's learning by the minute. She reads a statement "as a taxpayer" who sees the statue every day from her Baden home. We need to acknowledge the wrongdoings of the past and open a dialogue.
Moving the statues indoors is not the best solution. Would Wilmot taxpayers have to foot the bill? What about the impact on tourism? She asks for a referendum.

She has a letter from other Wilmot taxpayers.
The letter-writer says the Catholic church is the most culpable for residential schools. Suggests moving the Macdonald statue to a less prominent position.
Colleen Herner is the next speaker. Says that she was sad to hear that the Macdonald statue was vandalised on Father's Day, and then again a few days later. Her family helped with the cleanup. She said that protesters have used "bullying tactics" to get what they want.
She says she and her family have been verbally abused by protesters, including being called racists.
She talks about having a car driven towards her near the statue by someone who was shouting obscenities at her.

She doesn't want the statues to be moved. She says that council members will need residents' votes in two years, and they have good memories.
The next speaker is Lloyd Cook. He seems to be having problems un-muting himself...
Sorry, his name is Lloyd Koch. He likes the open-air concept and all-hours access to the PM Path. Says no-one is perfect. Removing one statue from the list leaves history incomplete. Says it absolves all of the ones who followed.
We should focus on current leaders who can actually do something about past grievances. Wants the path to keep going.
Coun Hallman is speaking ahead of the vote on her motion. "We are supposed to be the voice for the voiceless."
Coun Gordijk thanks everyone who spoke this evening, both for and against the motion. Acknowledges that these are not easy conversations for people to have. Says that history doesn't need statues. People knew about SJAM before statues of him started going up.
People know about Hitler, but there are no statues of him. She reads a letter from Laura Mae Lindo MPP, who says that more consultation is not needed. Public parks do not have educational value.
Coun Gordijk: This was already discussed ad nauseum in previous years. Suggests moving SJAM inside Castle Kilbride, where people have a choice of whether or not to see it. We do not need to have white supremacists coming to our town.
Coun Pfenning: We have a long way to go yet in this conversation. She agrees that enough consultation has taken place. "I have only learned enough to know I need to learn more."
Coun Pfenning: The number one comment she hears from people who want to keep the statue is that you can't erase history. Statues are not history, and this one has only been here four years.
"The hurt to one person on our community is not a cost worth paying."

The conversation has not been sparked by the statue itself, but by the paint that was poured on it.
Coun Pfenning says she's been exhorted not to give in to a minority. From the emails she's received, it's not a minority that's asking for this motion to pass.
Says she received an anonymous phone call from someone who accused Coun Pfenning of being responsible to the vandalism on the statue. Asks this person to stop slandering her name.
"Don't lie about me. Face me." Coun Pfenning.
"People who are alive today are responsible for residential schools continuing."
Coun Pfenning talks about the legacy of Macdonald's actions. How do you justify the presence of a statue of him on government property?
Coun Fisher: It is time for us to listen. Says that he has spoken publicly in favour of pausing the PM Path. This revised motion is very different to the previous one. He addresses the request to install security cameras. Asks Patrick Kelly (Director of Finance) about costs.
Mr Kelly says that this hasn't been put forward as a direction to staff. Talks about the challenges of having cameras near the Macdonald statue (technical and legal).

Coun Fisher is discussing his problems with the current version of the motion.
"I don't want to prolomg this, but there are things in there that should be looked at."

He suggests deferring the vote until the next meeting.
Coun Hallman is going over Coun Fisher's comments.
Coun Gerber thanks all the delegations. Says he has concerns about the legality of pausing a project where the township has a contract. Says he has had a conversation about moving SJAM inside Castle Kilbride, and that there is no space for it.
Asks Grant Whittington (Chief Administrative Officer) about what is being discussed across the region about reconciliation. Mr Whittington says he has attended two meetings that included this topic before council.
Coun Gerber: There is a consensus that a properly curated statue project would have educational value. Suggests moving the SJAM statue away from the public square where it would not be in people's faces. "Giving it a prominent position was, in hindsight, a poor decision."
He says the project isn't progressing now due to COVID-19, so he doesn't want to rush tonight's motion. Says that there are options available, regionwide.
Coun Gordijk: Asks Mr Whittington to ensure that local Indigenous voices are part of the committee he mentioned, rather than Indigenous consultants from Manitoba. Local consultants would be aware of local treaty rights.
Says she's still fine with the motion.
Coun Gordijk asks if it would be possible to get financial help from the federal or provincial government via the Truth and Reconciliation commission to move the statue as soon as possible. Moving it to the back of the township park would still be visible to admin visitors.
Coun Hallman: This is a township issue, not regional. She references St Catherines, which found a solution for their community.
Coun Gordijk seconds Coun Hallman's motion.

Mayor Armstrong says he understands the situation that we're facing and that there needs to be more conversation. Says that the regional consultation will benefit everyone. He says he cannot see a way to put a stop to the PM Path.
Says that after the unanimous vote to accept the project in 2016, he only received two negative comments. He will not support the motion.
Procedural matter: Dawn Mittelholtz (Director of Clerk's Services) mentions that we have gone past 11pm, and there are still items on the agenda. Council has voted to continue past 11pm.
Coun Gordijk says she's having a hard time figuring out why we need more consultations. There have been thousands of submissions already. We need to do better. Seven months is too long to leave that statue there.
I need to look in the mirror. If you're not going to vote for me, I don't care.
We need to be better leaders. Evidence has proven that statues are not educational. The research is already there.
Coun Hallman asks Mayor Armstrong for a description of the process that brought the statues here, after it was rejected elsewhere.
Mayor Armstrong says there was no requirement to hold a public consultation because there was no financial investment.
Coun Hallman asks Couns Fisher and Gerber if they considered the situation in Kitchener and Laurier.
Coun Gerber says the situation in Kitchener was different because there were financial considerations. He says the Laurier consultation was flawed because it didn't consult Createscape. Says there are other SJAM statues elsewhere. The Laurier conclusion is not the only one.
Coun Hallman agrees that a Wilmot solution is preferable.
Coun Fisher says that Createscape gave a closed meeting presentation after the Laurier report. Says the project made a lot of sense to him in 2016.
Coun Gerber says that a criticism in 2016 was that there was a rushed decision, and he doesn't want to make one now. He's worried about possible legal implications if the township pauses the project.
Coun Pfenning asks ftor clarification. Several people have independently old her that Wilmot approached Createscape, rather than the other way around, which is what Mayor Armstrong just said. She asks for clarity.

Mayor Armstrong: It was kind of a mutual thing.
Mayor Armstrong: It was part of a conversation we were having.
Coun Hallman with an amendment that asks for the statue be moved to a location where it would not cause continued pain, with further discussion to follow.
The amended has been seconded by Coun Pfenning.
Coun Gerber is repeating his concerns about the legality of pausing the project. Says he will be voting against the motion.
Coun Fisher says he's going to be voting for the first motion. Says staff should decide the best way to deal with the statue. Mayor Armstrong points out that there is only one motion.
Votes FOR the motion: Hallman, Gordijk, Fisher, Pfenning.

AGAINST: Gerber, Armstrong.
Ms Mittelholtz is now discussing the agenda items that are still outstanding.
Sandy Jackson (Director of Facilities & Recreation Services) has an overview about awarding a contract for the permanent dog park in Scott Park.
Coun Hallman has a question about dog 💩
Council is discussing sponsorship opportunities for the dog park.
Zone Change Application from Miller and Miller Auctions Ltd. / Dryden, Smith & Head is being discussed.
We're racing through items now...
And we're adjourned at 11:53pm.
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