An unusual conflict. The "president" touting things he has no idea about, "I heard', against the scientific community, including chief researchers like Fauci, & the institutions who are charged
If there is value in it, it seems it would be as Part of a protocol, not The protocol.
But given how things are, and the foggery/fuckery that has been the hallmark of this
He is literally unbelievable.
Were he to manage to say something that was actually, verifiably true, it would still have to be validated for it to be accepted.
This has happened so rarely it does not seem likely.
We are headless.
This [stupid] statement was made years ago, when such nonsense was passed off as "he doesn’t mean it..."
But he did. As we see...
As to EU re this. I suspect at least part of the impact is that the EU still has strong
Just an idea?
The medical/scientific issues are immense & everything needs to be explored... as science. Not as a sop to someone's insatiable ego need to [at least seen] to be right.