1/How to fix a problem in addiction treatment: a Train the Trainer model to expand #opioid use disorder treatment, tackling barriers: knowledge (providers & administrators), workload, innovation fatigue, telehealth, credentialing. In @SubstanceAbuseJpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32697170/
2/The key was to address this reality: there is considerable failure to reach patients with OUD with medication based therapies in @VeteransHealth (same as outside) with only a small % (often just 1/4 or less) obtaining treatment
3/The SCOUTT Initiative drew 13 staff from each VA network, with 4 leaders in mental health, substance use, primary care, pain services, and 7 multidisciplinary staff (pharmacists, nurses, physicians, therapists) - for special training- conference & community of practice
4/They implemented two LEVEL 1 clinics (addiction treatment via primary care, mental or pain settings) within 12 months and another within 24 months. Heavy emphasis on nurse collaboration
5/As this began, SCOUTT leaders anticipated PRECISELY those challenges our health care system fails to consider when implementing change: competing time demands, stigma of OUD, overworked front line staff, and lack of incentive for real change. That required more resources
6/Crucial for reporters: Reporting on "lack of treatment" or "prescribing opioids" is too narrow. The question to ask, for rehabilitation, pain, or addiction is this:
"what tangible steps should health systems and their payers take to implement change successfully".
7/Hats off to this guy (left side) who led the SCOUTT Initiative to expand OUD treatment in VA, @vahsrd investigator, clinician and nurturer-in-chief @AJ_Gordon#mensch #Tristan
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🧵1/Our @uabmedicine Grand Rounds will feature a diagnostic showdown between Dr Martin Rodriguez and ChatGPT4
I am scared here because I don’t want AI to win
2/the case features behavioral changes, swearing, cognitive decline, cough, progressive weakness over 3 years.
I wonder about infectious and rheumatic disorders. Maybe primary neurological
Aspirations after a cognitive change is possible
Dr Rodriguez opens. Not much to go on.
3/ChatGPT generated a lot of text read by Dr Kraemer but it is pretty good, with emphasis on neurological disorders followed by a disclaimer “please note that this does not substitute for professional medical advice”. Both want more information
Truth💣 1/ The “NARXCare” opioid Rx risk algorithm is in all Prescription Monitoring Databases,ie ~1 bn Rx’s/year
NOW in @JournalGIM
✅evidence does not yet exist to support it as safe or protective
✅It has flourished due to lack of federal oversight link.springer.com/article/10.100…
2/The authors, led by Dr Michele Buonara, review the core argument as one in which this algorithm with low evidence to its favor
and high risk of harm
has gone unregulated
despite apparently fulfilling @US_FDA criteria that mandate it be regulated
3/Nearly all prescribers and national pharmacies now see the Bamboo Health, Inc proprietary “NARXcare” algorithm in a more prominent position *than the prescription history itself” when they view a prescription history.
1/Arguing for methadone deregulation, Dr. Ruth Potee notes that in an auditorium of 400 addiction specialists, almost NONE prescribe methadone (because they can't)
"Methadone is a miracle drug that no one has access to"
There are more people who offer Botox than offer methadone
Patient: “I can still do my activities”.
Doc: "No way, not really. I read the SPACE trial, and there is NO benefit (that would outweigh the opioids’ risk)”
"Shared decision-making" seems *doomed* here
1/I watch with concern as DEA prosecutions of MDs still seem to rely on “they prescribed more than I would” despite a 9-0 ruling of
Supreme Court last year
Sudden termination of opioids & progressive abandonment of 5-8 million patients is dangerous