1- There is completely new, 13 foot high steel fence going up around the WH. (seems benign by itself) Why? Is he expecting massive protests? Is he girding for an attack?
3- Barr is trying to strike down the entire ACA in the middle of a pandemic. @neal_katyal is outraged that Barr is not acting to support federal law, but against it, to please Trump.
4- Trump and Barr are framing vote by mail as
6- This challenge of the vote will cause deep seated anger around the country, causing outbreaks of deadly violence, leading
7- ICE, with a new CITIZENS ACADEMY program is planning to train private citizens nationwide to surveil their neighbors who might be undocumented. WTF?
9- Relief funds are being channeled into slush funds with no oversight, many billions of dollars being spent of military equipment.
11- Trump is saying that some parts of the country are virus free, and that case numbers are plummeting, when
12- Trump's mental capacity seems to be slipping, his speeches and pressers have
13- He continually shifts any blame away from Russia on to China, when we know he has direct business ties to Russia going back decades, with current financing with
14- multiple federal cases involving Trump, Turkish Banks, sexual assault, taxes, etc are being controlled by Barr, some which involve attorneys he has known for decades. Barr has scooped them all up under his control.
15- most of the Cabinet are "acting" members, not approved by the Senate.
17- There is still no nationwide testing and tracing protocols, and PPE is still in short supply around the nation in hospitals. Nobody has investigated the PPE distribution, which is reported to be run through
18- Russia is being treated like an Allied nation, with an invitation to the G-7, private calls with Putin, being allowed to occupy Ukraine without pushback, denying any involvement in hacking our elections, etc.
The purpose of this thread has been to illuminate just how completely untethered, inexplicable and suspicious the Trump administration's actions
@RepAdamSchiff @SpeakerPelosi @RepJerryNadler @RepJeffries @RepJayapal @RepZoeLofgren @funder @DNCWarRoom @BidenWarRoom @CoryBooker @ewarren