1/ Are nature and human culture separate or integrated? Today’s #rewildginscience paper discusses this in European context. It makes the case that nature and culture are integrated, but that ideals of #wilderness and #rewilding are now challenging established practices.
2/ “Although there is widespread political and societal support for biodiversity conservation in general, there are considerable disagreements about how to implement it.” E.g. Land Sparing or Sharing? Fence protected areas or Connect them?
3/ How should humans interact with nature? Conserve wilderness or manage landscapes? Is hunting appropriate? How do we tackle human-wildlife conflict?
5/ The way the human–nature relationship has been framed in conservation biology falls into 4 phases: nature for itself, nature despite people, nature for people, and people and nature, all of which are currently competing. science.sciencemag.org/content/345/62…
6/ “There has been an explosion in literature on ecological and environmental ethics in recent years, but little has trickled down into conservation practice, and these disciplines remain distant from the reality of the people sharing their landscapes with biodiversity.”
7/ The authors highlight that traditional disciplinary borders in science inherently assume a separation between natural processes and human processes, and between the wild and the domestic. This inherent dichotomy has been widely criticised.
8/ The idea that humans can be considered dual beings, with their biological parts studied by natural scientists and their social and cultural parts by social scientists and the humanities, is also challenged by research in ethology, cognitive science, and ecological psychology.
9/ In short, the boundaries between nature and culture are blurry in Europe! E.g. many habitats (e.g. grasslands & moorlands) have been created and maintained by centuries of human activity. And they are protected by the Bern Convention & Habitats Directive.
10/ “This legislation often prohibits natural succession following land-use abandonment.
Of the habitat listed in the Habitats Directive, an estimated 63 of 231 depend on some form of low intensity agricultural intervention.”
11/ Why are these habitats protected? Because 1) they are associated with high species diversity of charismatic species like flowers and butterflies & 2) they are associated with high aesthetic and cultural heritage.
12/ Research indicates people prefer open and diverse landscapes. Protections are essentially protecting the work of previous generations, which are important to rural people’s identity.
13/ “The desire to use constant intervention to maintain a specific desired form of nature was uncontroversial in Europe for many decades. However, the recent emergence of a European version of wilderness conservation & #rewilding is challenging this view.”
14/ The authors highlight that advocates of #rewilding can fall into two camps, those that are happy to embrace the loss of early successional habitats and those that seek to restore wild-living large herbivores that can help create and maintain these habitats.
15/ Both ideas can be controversial from ecological & cultural perspectives. The latter as many rural people disapprove of the removal of human agency from the landscape. There are also concerns about legal & animal welfare issues, particularly when using domestics as proxies.
16/ The authors go on to discuss cases of the wild horse, red deer, protected areas, Inside v outside protected areas, and large carnivores.
17/ Wild horse are extinct and only various breeds of domestics remain. Various locations have long histories of their presence, e.g. the New Forest. Increasingly their role is being referred to as providing ‘natural grazing’ and populations being referred to as ‘wild’.
18/ Red deer are amongst the most wide spread wild herbivore in Europe, they are valued game species and subject to intensive management. In some countries e.g. Norway they experience a fairly wild existence, but generally they are heavily managed.
19/ Supplementary feeding is a common practice to keep densities high and for trying to avoid human-wildlife conflict associated with migration to find food in winter. Fencing is often a common practice to keep them where they are wanted. Are they wild?
20/ European Protected Areas: “Of the 14,727 protected areas in the Natura 2000 network most permit agriculture (69%), forestry (59%), livestock grazing (46%); and hunting, fishing, and gathering activities (53%).”
21/ For 74 surveyed EUROPARC associated Protected Areas, 40% allowed livestock grazing, 26% hunting, and 49% conducted mowing. Despite this, the PAs “ranked preserving wilderness values and #rewilding as key objectives….”
22/ This asks the question, does ‘wilderness’ actually mean the current landscape that is a mix of people and nature in our working language in Europe? (I believe this type of debate is often discussed in terms of wilderness v wildness.)
23/ European conservation legislation does not often differentiate between inside and outside protected areas. E.g. species protection is equal everywhere.
24/ In Europe, large carnivore populations have increased and they are often associated with wilderness. But the bulk of their distribution is in multi-use landscapes. Carnivores in Europe are fed, livestock can be an important part of their diets, & they are hunted.
25/ While large carnivores are recovering in Europe their full set of ecological functions haven’t been restored yet. And the integration of large carnivores in cultural landscapes is a stark example of integrating wildness into culture.
26/ The authors highlight that they have made the case that Europe is a Biocultural System and has been for a long time. The authors argue that #rewilding and wilderness narratives are now driving a more dualistic ideal that separates people from nature.
27/ While the authors have taken quite a dualistic approach themselves in describing different approaches to conservation/restoration they do go on to highlight that there is space to accommodate multiple approaches, including low intervention.
28/ In Europe, the Wild and the Domestic are not distinct and there are plenty of blurry edges and together perhaps capture the Biocultural system. The future will be equally blurry because of the diversity of desires for the collective landscape.
29/ I really enjoyed reading this paper. The writing is to the point and packed full of important points and food for thought. Well worth a read: conbio.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.111…
30/ Thanks to @johndclinnell and co-authors for a great read and important thoughts. Published in @ConBiology
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Today we're looking rewilding and animal-mediated seed dispersal in a paper that aims to identify areas and species in the Atlantic Forest to restore seed-dispersal interactions through rewilding 1/
The authors start by explaining that as animal populations and species decline, the ecological interactions involving them are lost. Trophic rewilding his to restore these interactions through reintroductions or surrogate introductions
They say that certain types of animal interactions can be particularly beneficial, such as seed dispersal, which helps natural forest regeneration, creating more suitable habitat and a positive feedback loop
Prehistoric or historic? What is the best baseline for #rewilding in the Neotropics? @JCSvenning and @FaurbySoren investigate the previous distribution of megafauna to inform future options of trophic rewilding in today’s #rewildingscience thread
Trophic rewilding – use of species to promote trophic cascades and self-regulating ecosystems often involves discussion around megafauna (large bodied species). Their high mobility, resitance to top-down effects, and ability to disperse nutrients makes them ecologically valuable
It is these species that have been subject to anthropogenic declines, including in the Neotropics. Historic baselines for species richness and distribution are now so intermingled with human effects that they may not represent a feasible point to base introductions on…
1/ Are you interested in how to carry out a reintroduction based #rewilding project? Then this paper (& thread) is for you. Zamboni et al introduce the reintroductions of giant anteater, collared peccaries, tapirs and more to The Iberá Rewilding Program IRP (Argentina)
2/ The Iberá rewilding project is part of the 13,000km2 Iberá Reserve; made up of public & private land. It has marshes, lagoons, small rivers, temporarily flooded grasslands, savannas, and forests. The Conservation Land Trust bought 1500km2 of private land in 1999 to restore.
Kicking off the afternoon session of the #RewildingSymposium is @JCSvenning talking about 'restoring the role of megafauna in European ecosystems'
He begins by highlighting that current megafauna is unusually poor. Last at this level >30 million years ago. Historically, super diverse megafauna was the norm.
He points out that most current species are 100,000 to >1m years old. Meaning they have a complex evolutionary background with the landscape and complex ecological characteristics
Paul Jepson of ecosulis the first speaker of the day, stating that #rewilding presents a new narrative in conservation fit for the 21st century. There are many actors shaping it, but in particlar its an opportunity for young people to shape and define their future environment
He says the science behind current laws in particular Natura2000 are based on science which is 50 years out of date. We need to redesign laws across Europe based on a new narrative and incorporating modern scientific thinking on rewilding
1/ This week we end with the future directions of conservation paper by Jozef Keulartz (2016). #rewilding has varied forms, which rather than competing, can be complementary. Read this #rewildingscience thread and join in the discussion
2/ Which historical baseline is used as a reference state is one of the central debates in #rewilding. This can depend on cultural and ecological context of where rewilding takes place….
3/ It has been argued that historic baselines are irrelevant due to current anthropogenic drivers e.g. climate change making it difficult to recreate historical ecosystems. There are two thoughts; to abandon history entirely, or to move the baseline to a more distant past