A 30 y/o F presents w/ a 6-mon history of a nonproductive cough worse w/ activity, a recent-onset fever, blurred vision, dry eyes who was found to have uveitis, erythema nodosum, & crackles on PE along w/ hilar LAD & hypercalcemia
Let's start with the cough.
A chronic cough in a 30 y/o? hmmm
Cough thinking about a pulmonary process (anywhere from nose to alveoli) but also thinking about GI and cardiac etiologies causing cough as well
Is this fever part of this chronic process or is a new acute process complicating the chronic
Chronic cough is > 8 weeks & 4 conditions account for most cases: upper airway cough syndrome, GERD/LPR, asthma, & nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis. aafp.org/afp/2017/1101/…
2 other common causes of chronic cough are cigarette smoking and medication-associated, e.g. ACEI
This time course is definitely more chronic. There sounds like there is inflammation present w/ fevers.
With time course, leaning more toward inflammatory/autoimmune cause.
Could also consider indolent infection.
Malignancy seems less likely.
Also thinking about the background and immune status.
ROS will be helpful as well to help tease out if localized vs more systemic process.
If the patient is from Arizona --> Coccidiomycosis!!
Also curious about blurred vision if it is a CN problem or a possible uveitis, scleritis, or episcleritis. That would help drive ddx.
If there is redness or the eye, need to check visual acuity, looking for ciliary flush, & then checking response to phenylephrine drops (to see if redness improves) will be helpful.
Remember that RA can also affect the lungs causing pleural effusion, interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, & trapped lung syndrome
What is lung entrapment? It refers to an inflammatory rind that forms around lung parenchyma. when U remove an effusion w/ thora, the lung cant re-expand
"shrinking lung syndrome" is a complication of SLE but not RA. (Maybe some foreshadowing here for another day)
Add to the PR bilateral LE nodules that are painful.
EN, uveitis+ fevers + lung involvement. Sounds like sarcoid, but fungi & mycobacterial infections can mimic this.
She does work in a prison and is from Arizona but she is on vacation in Grenada in this case
a word for ‘prison-related’ is desmoteric
Add to the PR hypercalemia of 12:
High calcium, wondering about granulomatous diseases, although could also be bone infiltration ect.
Bilateral hilar adenopathy + erythema nodosum + joint pain is the triad of Lofgren's syndrome in sarcoidosis
Lofgren syndrome is a clinically distinct phenotype of sarcoidosis, first described in 1946 by Swedish pulmonologist Sven Lofgren.
In contrast to the often-insidious onset, slow disease progression & chronic disease course typical of sarcoidosis
Lofgren’s presents acutely & portends a favorable prognosis.
It typically presents in younger pts w/ acute onset erythema nodosum (EN), b/l hilar LAD, fever, & migratory polyarthritis, & w/o granulomatous skin involvement.
Hematogenous dissemination then can occur typically 4 to 10 weeks later, giving rise to secondary syphilis. <40% of pts w/ syphilis have primary syphilis diagnosed. These “Secondary” lesions last for several weeks before spontaneously resolving. Coined “early, latent infection”
What does late infection mean? When syphilitic lesions recur after 1 year from the initial eruption, or seropositivity is detected more than 1 year after the initial eruption, it is termed late latent syphilis.
Some optics neuritis pearls in a short #Medtweetorial 🧵…. We all know that optic neuritis is frequently associated with multiple sclerosis (MS). But optic nerve inflammation can exist from autoimmunity, infection, granulomatous disease, paraneoplastic disorders, & demyelination
Classical ON from MS is unilateral, moderate, painful color vision loss with an afferent pupillary defect & normal fundus examination.
In those with ON, 95% of patients showed unilateral vision loss & 92% had associated retroorbital pain that frequently worsened w/ eye movement.
If you have not listened to the @CuriousClinPod most recent podcast (Episode 10: Why does metronidazole treat both bacterial and parasitic infections?) then I suggest you tune in.
I'll summarize their show notes here in short #medtweetorial
First a question:
Was metronidazole first used as an antibiotic or as an antiparasitic?
If you guessed antiparasitic, then you would be correct!
It was developed in the 1950s to treat the parasite trichomonas & then was used in the 1960s to treat other parasitic infections, like giardia and amoebiasis.
A 31-year-old M born and raised in Brazil w/ no PMH presented with a 3 mon history of worsening DOE, orthopnea, 7kg weight loss, abdominal distention, dry cough, and syncope
An interesting fact from @3owllearning : Depending on the clinical problems, the studies of disease probability for differential diagnosis often show 10 - 25% of cases are unexplained, even after careful examination and testing.