Terra Carta: Licence to Kill
For Nature, People, Planet
Thread 🧵 (1) I am writing this article to draw your attention to what I know to be the underlying, concealed threat to humanity. Looming from king Charles III's Terra Carta decree of total war, for depopulation, cloaked in a mask “for the greater good."
(2) Licence to Kill
I will explain what a global private sector army on a warlike footing means for us.
To reveal our invisible enemy, the hidden hand, orchestrating a hidden war against humanity upon the global chessboard.
Once the mask is ripped off they are finished.
This is not false hope. I speak from the wisdom of experience. I will share with you.
(3) The Invisible Enemy
Death to those not in the club
Our invisible enemy wages war through hidden wealth, hidden blackmail, hidden networks, and hidden mass manipulation, the terra-king and his spiderweb empire are the hidden hand. In the same way as the old Venetian oligarchy, it operates as a financial empire, with family foundations and other institutions dedicated to eliminating everything that stands in their way, especially nation-states.
The UN was always a British idea, and modern globalism came from Victorian England. Victoria's reign, which lasted for 63 years, was followed by a long period of British global dominance, both physically and financially. Charles III, Victoria's great-great-great-grandson, is now poised to re-conquer the world. Through a total war on humanity. To own everything.
The myth of the British Empire vanishing by the end of World War II, has been carefully crafted. A lie which has spread like a virus. All aspects of our lives are infiltrated by their lies.
Exposing the Crime of the Century
Rip of the Mask and let's see
Thread 🧵
(1) It all makes sense when you understand the global organised crime network behind 5th column enemy combatant Bill Shorten.
Shorten's supremacy cult handlers use globalisation and crime to control the peasants. They will only be happy when they own everything.
They use voiceless minorities as a device. They terrorise them. They scapegoat them. They crime wash their wrongful acts away by scapegoating those they torment.
To hide their crimes they also use a worldwide web of crooked corporations and trusts.
Ruling class controlled corporate cartels almost dominate our entire supply chain. We are in danger. At any moment they could stop the supply of our basic human needs.
This criminal cartel destroys farmers and national/local supply chains and everyday people. They would like us to be dependent on them. This is the device they plan to use to starve to death, the peasants they want to reduce.
As they have done to resource rich Africa. While asset stripping their country.
This is what globalism is about.
(2) This is not about race.
The supremacy cult wants to reduce all everyday people. To do this they need to divide us.
It is impossible to compete with Bill Shorten's special deals for the global corporate mafia, including paying less employment penalty rates than Australian owned businesses.
Vice-versa, Bill Shorten's lawyer, Mark Leibler has ensured ruling class corporations don't pay their fair share of tax. Australian business cannot compete against such dirty deals.
(3) Blackmail explains how this is possible.
Blackmail explains how this is possible.
The very act of blackmail explains why 1700 pages of evidence provided by the police to support Shorten's charges of child abuse were destroyed. Along with his charges disappearing. In the absence of a jury trial.
I'm sorry to say that it has all been swept under the rug and expelled from the public square.
In Bill Shorten's mind he sits above the law. Just like royalty, he is sitting up there in his tax-payer-funded ivory tower in the Canberra swamp. From where he looks down on us like a king of the muck.
Blackmail is the device to control all levels of our useless idiot compromised UNi-party political class.
A drug is being used in order to obtain blackmail material on those who have power in this country.
This drug was established in Australia after World War II, when a convicted Nazi war criminal was released from prison to establish this industry.
As of today, we are one of the world's largest producers of a drug used by Nazi cults across the globe for child trafficking, blackmail and date rape.
(1) Easter provides an opportunity to revisit the story of Pontius Pilate who betrayed his people and a put to death a speaker of truth. He was swayed by a mob against his own better judgment.
Like Pilate, our politicians today are marked by the same lack of integrity and cowardice. Sacrificing their own countrymen.
Everyone has a choice: follow the mob, take the easier path or risk being persecuted for speaking the truth.
It was my choice, as it was Kathy Sherriff and George Pell to take the latter path.
Kathy Sherriff and George Pell, two Australians who were punished for telling the truth, are the heroes of this story.
Our enemy wants humans to conform for their New Order agenda. It's ironic how Australians, Jewish, Roman Catholic, and Aboriginal, are woven together by our enemies.
This global plot is unravelling through Australian grit and unwavering commitment despite adversity.
(2) I experienced the machinations of organised crime trafficking drugs and children. I realised that this was part of a larger criminal conspiracy scapegoating indigenous people worldwide to achieve regime change for their New Order/New Atlantis dystopia.
I sought investigation into a government-funded criminal selling illicit drugs out of a taxpayer funded child care centre. They were using the drugs to traffick children. 6 of whom had committed suicide. Aboriginal community reports of this same crime to law enforcement were thwarted.
A heartbreaking reality as 3 generations of my family had tried to hold this same government funded crook to account.
I could not walk away from the communities who asked for my help.
(3) I wrote to the government and requested to speak with the Crime Commission/Australian Federal Police (AFP).
Instead of addressing and investigating the crimes the government sent their Uni-party/media mafia after me. Something was very wrong when our ‘leaders’ attacked and tried to silence me.
They tried to silence Aboriginal Australia's voice.
They have gone to great lengths to hide their agenda. They do not want you to know about.
(1) Julian Assange became a deep state asset on his birthday in 1971, not in 2006 when he founded WikiLeaks. Assange is a MK Ultra baby.
Julian Assange the supposedly most significant threat to the intelligence services in terms of whistleblowers. Was actually the creation of an MK Ultra mind control LSD cult.
(2) Hackers refer to Assange as The White Wizard, but few know he was born into an Australian cult, the Great White Brotherhood, led by theosophist Anne Hamilton-Bryne.
Some know, in 2017, CIA head Mike Pompeo condemned Assange as a false wizard.
(3) What a coincidence that Michael Flynn, a former intelligence PSYOP chief, honoured leading Great White Brotherhood figure Elizabeth Clare Prophet. In his speech on his awakening tour. By repeating her luciferian ideology.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet: I am the instrument of those sevenfold rays and archangels! And I will not back down. I will take my stand. I will not be afraid to speak. I will serve as God's instrument, regardless of his will. Here I am, with God's help! In the name of Archangel Michael and his legions, I am born free and will remain free. I will not be enslaved by any enemy, both within and outside.
General Mike Flynn: We are your instruments of those sevenfold rays and all your archangels, every single one of them. We will not back down, we will stand our ground. We will not be afraid to speak. We will serve as your instruments, no matter your will. In your name and the name of your legions, we are born free and will remain free. We will not be enslaved by any enemy, both within and outside, with God's help.
Grooming Counterintelligence Cons
Exposes the disgusting betrayal
1) Ruling Class @TuckerCarlson is an actor working for billionaires who will not be happy until they own everything.
The phoney freedom fighter Tucker revealed who he was before he started wearing a mask. He is a fraud masquerading as a champion of everyday people
2) His true self emerged when he joked about growing up in a castle. Emphasising that he avoided stoking envy with the starving peasants. Upon being asked if it made them envious that an African-American shone the wheels of his Bentley, smug Carlson replied, I only have white American servants.
3) It runs in the family
Released emails reveal Hunter Biden got Tucker's son into the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) school in DC. In time for January 6th.
When Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for assistance in trying to get his son admitted to an elite Washington university, known as the CIA school, in 2014, Tucker's wife, Susie, wrote as part of an email to Hunter Biden: Tucker and I have the utmost respect and admiration for you. Always!
Washington Post revealed these emails and said analysis by security experts confirmed their authenticity. According to the Post, Carlson's emails reveal how willing he was to turn on his friend Hunter Biden to thrive in a hyper-partisan media world.
I disagree. I call it out as a counterintelligence operation. It shows us how the Western media is controlled, having pre-planned fights to groom us towards their pre-planned solutions. It is a phoney performance, a show and it is a spectacle. To entertain us. To manage the resistance by grooming us to pick a side. In this phoney performance of our own managed decline. There is no left and right. Only right and wrong.
Blackmail insurgency designed to destroy us
The methodology of the worldwide globalist coup
Thread🧵 (1) For about 100 years, the Brits pushed the world towards globalisation. Against our interests. We have lost our independence. Our manufacturing industry. They now manage our decline. We should all be outraged at this. Australia is a resource-rich country that is in debt to levels not seen since World War II.
Whether we like it or not, it seems that the Australian people are being forced to implement globalist agendas. America even implements it, a move that goes against the very foundation of their independence struggle against the British.
(2) How did a small Island accomplish this? With soft power. That is seducing or coercing others to do their bidding. Some call this mind control. Whatever you call it the British excel at it. By using it, a small country like England has been able to covertly subjugate and coerce larger, more populous countries. Using a myriad of devices the most insidious and effective being the blackmail of leaders into accepting UN global governance against the interests of the people.
Operatives working for the ruling class spread myths that bankers rule the world as a decoy. To deceive us and hide the real puppet masters. It is a fact that whoever controls the blackmail controls the world. It controls banking. In the same manner, the ruling class also use blackmail to force governments to incorporate UN policies into our laws. To bring about UN global governance against the interests of the citizens it is meant to serve.
(3) The American Revolution was fought to stop the British globalist trade system we live under today. The British Crown wants us all dependent on overseas supply chains for our basic needs so they can control everything.
As a result of this globalist system, people all over the world suffer. It produces nothing but misery for them. Compromised leaders are complicit in raping and pillaging resource-rich third-world countries, so billionaires can pick up the spoils of their collapse. Profits are siphoned into untraceable tax havens in the UK, while the countries starve to death.
In addition to funding and protecting criminals, British tax havens also:
▪️Facilitates the modern slave trade including child sex trafficking
▪️The illegal weapons trade, which kills people worldwide;
▪️Environmental vandalism, which causes people to become homeless;
▪️Drug trafficking destroys families, which is the most effective weapon the West has against tyrannical governments;
▪️There is also the tactic of radicalising the collapsing third world to blame the everyday people of the first world for this destruction. This is the British strategy of divide and conquer in action;
▪️All ideological subversive movements are funded by the ruling class and it is aimed at attacking everyday landowning people in the developed world.