Sales Growth 3 years CAGR 40%,
Profit Growth 3 years CAGR 56% but
Stock price 3 years CAGR -14%!
Do you see value?
Because 10 Year Stock CAGR is 67%.
The company has grown from 15 Cr Mcap in 2010 to 3500 Cr today with negligible debt.

This is a well-known multi-bagger of last pharma bull run till 2015.
So let's focus on what has changed in the last 5 years when stock corrected to half from peak. (2)
6. Doing backward integration of API, this will remove the overhang of China dependency
7. CRO Division for bioequivalence studies with 75 beds (4)
The number of Scientists increased from 100 to 400 in the last 4 years. Healthy spending. Company is willing to acquisition in API space without taking debt (5)
3x Capacity expansion of injectables ongoing currently.
Key partners in USA: Fresenius Kabi & Meitheal Pharma both well-known companies with a presence in the regulated markets. (7)
5 successful audits by USFDA & EU authorities.
Amaris Clinical - CRO Division for bioequivalence studies. Commenced in 2019, 29 Cr Capex, 55 employees currently, (8)
API Division: Ongoing development of 22 API inhouse, had put up an Intermediate & API lab in Hyderabad to try and fill some of the gaps, invested 65 Cr in API+CRO in 2019. (9)
The stock was trading at 60x PE multiple in 2015 when the last pharma rally peaked out. Current PE 16x. Will this pharma rally take it to previous highs? (10)