Take a day or two or three-- eat a cookie, watch bad TV
Feel what you feel. 8/
Also that a key part of the healing ritual involves cultivating compassion. You do this by thinking beyond yourself to help someone or some cause. 12/
So here is the ritual... /15
I deposit a small amount of $ into a rejection ritual account (shout out @ally for these new buckets) every time I put myself out there & do/apply for something to advance my career. Anything that could lead to rejection=fair game: abstracts/papers/awards etc.16/

I withdraw whenever I get rejected. I use the money from my rejection ritual account to buy myself a beautiful pair of shoes. This may seem superficial to some, but it reminds me that beautiful things CAN come from struggle.18/
Because I am a nerd, I track this all on a spreadsheet. Sometimes I need to put my risk-taking, wins, & losses into context. In the moment, the losses are devastating & seem frequent, but when I look at the big picture, I often have more wins than I realize. 20/
And after alll those steps (1-4). I CAN finally practice gratitude. Because truly, I have so many blessings.😊 21/