✅The IRM program allows Philhealth (PHIC) to send hospitals advanced cash aid to respond to unexpected events
✅Per PHIC Circular 2020-007: IRM computation is Ave. Reimbursement/Day from last year x No. of Days Covered
✅Should PHIC cover 90 days, SPMC would get PHP339-M in IRMs -- close to the actual IRM of PHP326-M
✅Higher reimbursement to PHIC = Higher IRM
✅The SPMC is the biggest govt hospital with 1,500 beds, UP-PGH being the 2nd at 1,100 beds
✅SPMC caters to the entirety of Mindanao and even Visayas
✅For a time being, SPMC was the only COVID-19 treatment center + testing lab in Mindanao
✅Not including hundreds of non-COVID cases, SPMC has been taking care of 130+ COVID cases/day
✅NCR hospitals (PGH, NKTI, Quirino Medical) got combined PHP592-M in reimbursements
✅7 storey Medical Arts building
✅5 storey Central ICU
✅5 storey Children Institute
✅5 storey Kidney Transplant Institute
✅4 storey Orthopedic Institute
✅4 storey OPD
✅3 storey Mindanao Heart Center
✅3 storey Cancer Institute + 2 storey extension
✅2 storey Isolation Facility
✅2 storey Institute for Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine
✅3 storey Main Building