I'm one of them.
On May 31, I sat crying next to my fiancee as she drove us from Santa Cruz to SF. I was overwhelmed by George Floyd's death and ashamed by how little I'd done to support the Black community.
That changes today.
We need more visibility so we can be examples of what's possible for others who looks like us.
Today, let's shine a light on some of us.

You'll never meet a more resilient, resourceful person.
Now she also invests in Tech startups - ~60% of which are WOMEN OR MINORITY LED!
We have and will continue to excel in Tech.
RT or @ mention someone to celebrate them for setting an example.
I've added the following people to the list: @devarispbrown, @monifa, @iamgeoffpope, @ja_akinyele, @MichaelwEllison, @lo_toney, @timsalau, @rulesbycam, @MosesFeaster, @lymusing ....
@antoniokey, @BrandonDHoffman, @MrStartup, @jongos, @kdwalker, @julesdwalt, @Sherrell_Dorsey, @michellebess