A few more predictions of what is likely to emerge
[ a thread ] 💻🏠🌍
No-code tools that enable workers to built bots that automate menial parts of their roles will be huge
Instant communication which isn’t distracting, disrupting or about surveillance will be super important
Co-working, subscription clubs, will emerge that let workers who prefer that mode of work to operate from there
Cost of living has made them irrational. Modern time-shares for city living, city services being distributed are inevitable in
These will measure the tasks your team are doing and use this to set expectations, allowing teams to escalate more easily when necessary
Associated business parks and services will spring up. This will happen even more rapidly as self driving tech emerges
Expect a @Tesla product in this space
Employers will be responsible for ensuring the health and safety of teams operating at home
Companies will differentiate in this domain rapidly. The remote culture and experience a company offers will be a massive attraction for workers
A recognition that we no longer have to sacrifice work for living, we can organize work around our lives
Remote will see huge numbers of people return home, leading to more time with friend and family
Working remotely allows us to surf or ski before work, travel more frequently, develop new passions
Leads to shallow superficial relationships because the only thing you have in common is your employers bottom line
Tools that inspire deeper new & existing relationships will be huge
Fractional ownership of their company over salary will become an option
These teams will be uniquely placed to do this as they’ll be collections of people operating at the cutting edge of innovation
Communities become the most important most a company has
A unicorn within 5, likely a social network
Huge opportunity to synchronise education to enable families to be more fluid in their locations
Likely staffed with facilitators and educators who train staff of how to maximize effectiveness
Companies will provide these to team, remote focussed coaches will be incredibly
The maximisations of the negatives of each mode will mean that hybrid companies are the least successful of the 3 options: remote, office, hybrid
Most knowledge working jobs don’t have to be synchronous, productivity is detrimentally effected when they are
The tools needed to effectively work remotely will lead to deep specialists inside organization who optimize the use of that product for that teams needs
Conferences and quarterly networking events will becomes more important for cultivating in-person relationships
People will find meaning alongside work by depending on the social relationships of work far less
Workers will reorganize rapidly, choosing the workplace that suits their working style best
People will live close enough to cities to go into them 1-3 times a month. Rapid mass transit becomes very important
I talk to companies across the spectrum — from the earliest stages, to publicly tech companies, through to global enterprises
Building anything in this space?
Would love to chat 🙏