My fellow Americans,
With the upcoming primaries in Florida’s 22nd district only a few days away, I felt it is imperative to share this message with you.
I humbly ask you for your support in circulating it, so as many people as possible read it.
Members from all races, religions, ages & proffesions.
I have listened to you, Internalized your expectations & hope to deliver nothing less than what you deserve from your elected Representatives.
Ambitious enough to beleive that if you’re family comes here legally, works hard, loves their neighbor, anything is possible- even serving the people in our great Congress
Having cultivated relationships around the world, I will work tirelessly to attract domestic & foreign investments. Creating additional jobs for my community.
I beleive this is how officials should run in a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
I am touched by all of your support. Every dollar, every tweet.
Darlene Swaffar
Congressional Candidate for Florida’s 22nd district