He cannot deal with humiliation
He cannot stand to lose
He hates getting caught
He fears being exposed for his crimes
Well, now. Here is the perfect way to take him down:
Impeach him again.
2- He is certain he escaped perjury charges from the Stone trial vs. his testimony to Mueller. He hasn't. The testimony did not match up
3- Don Jr. escaped a perjury charge because Mueller ran out of time. That can change with impeachment.
4- He is certain that all of his ties to Putin, MBS, Turkey, Deutsche Bank, Israel and the grand bargain he made for campaign financing and dirt will not
5- His ties to money laundering and Russian gangsters would never be discovered. Oh, yes, they could.
6- He thought all of his dirty laundry Cohen knows would never see the light of day. Now it will.
7- He is sure that he will be protected by Barr on all legal issues. Nope. Impeachment is up to the House alone.
8- He was past the chance for Kelly, McMasters,
9- Kushner would not divulge any secrets. Hmmm. Maybe if he was offered immunity, he might.
10- Priebus, Comey, McGahn, Hicks still have damning evidence against him.
12- That whole deal with pulling back in Syria was always a mystery. Not anymore. read.macmillan.com/lp/proof-of-co…
14- And all the ties with Barr and Turkish banks and such - all safely hidden away. Nope. Barr is screwed, too. read.macmillan.com/lp/proof-of-co…
Uh, yeah....
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