Scrum is bullshit. Skip it. Directly move to XP.
Scrum is all about empiricism. Empiricism is good. Empiricism is usually not the problem. In fact, Scrum can even increase the problem.
Scrum provides empiricism daily (DSM), every iteration (review, retro, planning), and every release. That's good, isn't it? No, it isn't. It doesn't stand a chance in comparison to XP.
Plus, XP empiricism is very explicitly inclusive of the engineering practices.
Scrum doesn't address any of this. Not. A. Single. Bit.
But yeah, get certified for it, if that makes you happy.
All it means is that it is possible to build up a certification pyramid scheme industry to pull money out of the pockets of ignorant organizations that are screaming for help when they have a dissonance-avoiding procurement behavior.
Technically, that's true.
But practically, it usually isn't - except for those orgs that see Scrum as the start of a solid plan to go for other things like XP as well.