Apep is the enemy of Ra. Where Ra is light, Apep is the Dark.
I will go over the WAR b/w Apep & Ra (2-3), what Egyptians thought of the war & how they weakened Apep(4-6), & how it relates to Bayek (7-8).

His identity was lost, driven to oblivion. In the end, he found the light & put it inside him meeting Khemu in the field of Reeds☀️🌅.

🔲Ra is depicted in Myth to fight Apep on His boat, that's where you see Bayek fight it!⛵️
🔲Bayek is given Light energy 🏹 by Ra 🦅to fight Apep = the fight between Light Vs. Darkness.
🔲The Waters/Apep= Darkness, Field of Reeds=Light!☀️🌻

More AC Lore on Apep? Here's @AC_Wiki's Link!👇
1 More thing: Apep still lives on today in Christianity, the snake being represented as Devil vs. God.(Ancient)
Thanks for Reading Assassins!☀️🐍😊