A thread.
The headline would be:
"Kansas Taxpayers Bailed Out Roger Marshall's Hospital in Secret Deal!"
This is actually worse than the time he tried to run over his neighbor.
Great Bend physicians, including obstetrician Dr. Roger Marshall, create a physician-owned, FOR-PROFIT hospital in the city of 16,000, which is already served by the 99-bed regional medical center that grew out of one founded by nuns, actually.
They can do this easily b/c Great Bend is small enough that local doctors will often work or consult at both facilities.
News story from nonpartisan KS Health Institute: khi.org/news/article/n…
Now with the pesky nuns & non-profits out of the way, he can get down to his real business: making money off of desperately sick Kansans & their families!
Ka-ching, baby!
Without a non-profit hospital in town to care for the unprofitable/poor patients, some of these Kansans in need of medical care start showing up at Dr. Marshall's hospital.
Win-win-win, right?
The number of uninsured Kansans keeps growing & they keep showing up at Roger Marshall's hospital expecting doctors to treat them.
The NERVE of these working-class Kansans to expect healthcare!
This bad for Roger Marshall!
He built his hospital to make money, not be a charity for the poor & desperate like those damn nuns! WTF?!?
And there are no other hospitals around to hire them b/c they drove them out of business.
Roger Marshall is now stuck w/a loss-making hospital slowly bleeding him dry & making him poor. The horror!
But he cannot close it b/c then he loses his investment & his job & there are zero local employment options for doctors. He'd become poor even faster!
Roger feels like he is totally screwed and he really kinda is, unless Kansas passes Medicaid expansion (unlikely in 2015 & still iffy!). Roger is pissy all the time, leading to a conflict w/his neighbor, whom he nearly runs over in his truck. Oopsies.
He is just fined instead.
*I am not a lawyer so I just made up the name of this crime.
How can he get out of this pickle?!
He runs for Congress.
And thanks to the unpopularity of the incumbent & lack of scrutiny over his own foibles caused by death of local media, Roger wins!
So he gets paid to be a Congressman, which helps, but he is still saddled w/his damn hospital that poor Kansans keep showing up at! Ugh.
But w/his elected office, Roger has some new options!
But there is another option.
Yay!!!! Roger stayed rich & kept his office & can keep ignoring poor people!!!
I mean...he LIVED their ideals!
Roger thus wins the primary for an even higher office! WOW!
But Roger can keep diving into his Scrooge McDuck money pit!
There is just 1 problem.
That Democrat, @BarbaraBollier, is also a doctor.
And a popular elected official + insanely good fundraiser.

She is scandal-free, honest, accountable, a good listener & genuinely gives AF about other people.
But Roger knows he can win if ppl forget or are never told about his past.
We need to vote for the Lady Doctor who puts the lives of Kansans above making $: @BarbaraBollier.
We are in a class war, my fellow Kansans...even if we may not want it & never asked for it.
Even if the rich are like the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor.
We. Can. Win. This.
If u have money, donate.
If u have time, volunteer.
Have neither?
Register to vote & request a mail ballot at ksvotes.org.
We. Can. Win. This.