Last year 19, September, @BAI_Media 's response to my questions about who Gaurav Khanna is gets this reply. So here is a thread about what I know about this man and the Indian Para Badminton scene. Also a byproduct of #AdaptedSportsIndia work

Look at @BAI_Media's Para badminton section -
No mention of a national coach anywhere.
Look at @ParalympicIndia 's website section for para badminton -
No mention of a national coach anywhere.
I am yet to find an appeal like this from any other Indian athlete. Don't know how its okay!
If u want to know a bit or two about wht exploitation of persons with disabilities looks like within Indian sports, there can't be a better example.
This was around the time when I was contacted by an under age player from Switzerland asking me to talk to them as there was a lot of 'discussion happening about you Didi' here by Coach and other players. Over the next week I learn from more players what exactly happened
So much so that the call went on for an hour and (they) kept insisting that I shouldn't question his methods. They recognize that some people are dropped by 'sir' and only 'some are benefitting' but it is better than nothing
From RTI responses from @Media_SAI I only know that - Gaurav Khanna is engaged as coach by PCI and BAI. But it is evident that other than claim him in today's tweet for some attention, BAI never cared how Para badminton was governed in India
Right around the time when PCI was suspended last year, Khanna managed to receive a huge grant to fund his camp in Lucknow. He told me this in a call and I asked him how and then he goes on to explain how he can get 'stuff done in SAI' Following tweet is from his conversation
Me: I heard PCI can get suspended for Code violations.
Khanna: Koyi baat nahin. Honedijiye. Hum SAI se kaam karaa lenge.
Then I start looking into what Khanna was doing to make sure he held control of the para badminton space. Started looking for data to explain his methods
Only the players who have been on Khanna's side of the aisle have managed to get into the sport NGO spaces for sponsorships and support. Examples here:…
(Look for Para badminton players)
@Media_SAI 's TOPS has only the same people from Khanna's camp.… (Ctrl+F Para-Badminton)
Look at the Nationals Report:…
You will never find Khanna's name anywhere in writing. However -- read on
Any RTI request from SAI comes back with Khanna's name as the coach that travelled with any Indian team that travelled to represent India(despite not being on any NSF's official paper work). Next the controversy around what exactly @BAI_Media does within Indian Para badminton
I reached out to BAI Para badminton Convenor last year to ask him about what BAI does - and his response shocked me - He has no access to the email that is listed on the website by @BAI_Media The entire process of preparing final lists of players is managed by Khanna (cont)
Convenor was removed from accessing the email by the Para badminton Chairman and has since only been listed on the website and has no access to any process followed to conduct nationals or select players to represent India. He doesn't know what happens there anymore.
Para badminton in India functions in a no man's land of sport governance. Khanna manages the paper work for 'his candidates' through @Media_SAI and @ParalympicIndia which ever is convenient depending upon the event.
Every time PCI has been suspended, athletes and individuals like Khanna who are the deal makers of the system manage to facilitate the process for players through their 'contacts' in @Media_SAI and one name constantly showed up in this space within my research
A SAI official who was single handedly responsible for any paper work related to para sports: Athletics, Swimming, Paralympics etc. This was a Project Officer, TEAMS that everyone knew. Khanna always sounded proud when he mentioned his connections inside SAI
With this level of access within the system, Khanna is feared by many players with disabilities. Appeasement, praise, seeming helpless are the only options for players with disabilities to ensure he 'blesses' them with his generosity.
Any player who has opposed Khanna's high handedness has been shunned by the entire system. A female player has once shared a call recording with me where Khanna is heard talking about her as not a 'worthy' candidate for the sponsor to support.
Last year before PCI was suspended, when I expressed my concern about the future of how Para badminton would be governed:
Me: I heard PCI may be suspended sir. What then?
Khanna: Koyi nai. Hum SAI se kaam karaalenge. I will manage. I know how to take care of things
While a lot of people who are inspired by the medal counts, it is important to note that Khanna is making sure to deny opportunities to scores of other disabled Indians who are not willing to align with his single handed control of the sport
As Para badminton debuts at the @Tokyo2020 next year, these are crucial times for India to consider how the sport would be governed and managed in India. With Indians like Khanna who want to be deal makers to exploit vulnerable populations, the future would be bleak for us.
Sidelining candidates that would seek democratic process, making calls to sponsors and non-profits to market his candidates - these are standard practices Khanna believes in to 'uplift' the poor and helpless disabled Indian players.
When I asked him about the future of the sport's development:
Me: What after you sir? Why can't there be a process in place? How can you be continuing to claim you are the rescuer?
Khanna: I only care about now. I don't care about the future.
For Indians like Khanna,
This is natural behavior within the sports world. Find a spot where there is zero government oversight and identify the most vulnerable. And implement their strategies of filtering the people they 'think' are deserving. There is no science there. It's all 'opinions'
When a minor athlete argued with me for over an hour about why Khanna is their 'God' I was mortified at the depth of brain washing and grooming this kid was put through to pick up the call and to argue with a stranger about the merits of a man who was thrice their age.
The way Khanna manages his camp and the residents of that camp it is evident that they are all groomed by him to constantly be grateful of his hard work for them. Important to note that Khanna has no coaching credentials on record that permits him to coach players.
For many Indians, this critical view of how Indian Para badminton functions seems like exaggeration. But when you sit through and hear the stories of the sidelines persons with disabilities who cry for being at the receiving end of Khanna's wrath - a lot will make sense.
Every year, hundreds of PE graduates and sport coaches who study to coach and who pass certifications to coach aspire for training players. Yet, Indians like Khanna continue to exploit the broken neglected sports system in India that is enabled by Government neglect
When one reads the NSDCI, 2011, you can see the document clearly mention points about eligibilities of players/NSFs to represent India outside the country. Yet, for years, Khanna managed to not be held accountable for his practices because he functions in a neglected space
Para badminton is a really new sport within the Paralympic world. By dumping awards and prize money into these spaces with no deeper scrutiny, @IndiaSports has in-fact unleashed uncontrolled exploitation and corruption.
Last year when I reached out to @bwfmedia to report on this situation because @Media_SAI and @IndiaSports were responding disconnectedly to complaints from grassroots - Khanna knew I was exchanging emails with a BWF official. Such is the depth of his network
After a point, the BWF official responded to me that information would not be disclosed about a person's credentials to individuals. And you know how the RTI to @BAI_Media went (Refer to the first tweet of this thread)
Why did I write these tweets:
I am tired of listening to panic calls from players since this AM about Khanna being awarded the Dronacharya. If he is awarded: I want this information to be available publicly for Indian citizens to know what the awards have been relegated to