Alika left university and joined the firm in 2020, she gives a summary of the application process and her experiences so far in her first year as a solicitor apprentice. Alika works in the @LeighDayRD team.

Josephine is our second oldest solicitor apprentice, she left the LLB course in her second year and has wanted to be a lawyer since she was 14. Josephine is currently working in the @LeighDayHealth team, and loves the calm, supportive environment.

Dave has worked with Leigh Day for many years, and offers his perspective on the apprentice route and the opportunity it provides for a group that is underrepresented in the legal community.

Apply for a solicitor apprenticeship: leighday.co.uk/Careers/Work-E…
Apply for other jobs: leighday.co.uk/Careers
Contact our team with any questions: apprenticeships@leighday.co.uk