A thread 👇 1/
If we take Portugal's average income as the standard of being "affluent" or "well-off", then there are at least, a *BILLION* affluent people in the world. 2/
But they don't.
That naturally raises the question: do the rest of us, less-endowed people, have the responsibility to compensate for them? /4
“If so many people in the world are not doing their share—and they clearly are not—it seems to me I cannot be required to derail my life to take up the slack.” /5
Suppose you're near a pond and see 10 children drowning. There're 9 other adults around you (from your neighborhood swimming club), so you rush into the pond and bring a child safely to shore. /6
But to your horror, only 4 others have bothered to go into the pond, while the rest have simply walked off. /7
But till that happens, you're *not* morally absolved of doing more than your fair share, just like you weren't morally absolved of saving the other drowning children. /10