NorCal => Bay Area/Monterrey => Santa Cruz Mountains


64k people evacuated
They’re having to stop to rescue people who aren’t evacuating.
Please GTFO so they can work.


First is the command and control plane, high overhead (6000 feet) circling the scene. Second is a whole mess of helicopters 🚁

From Montana, privately owned fleet!…

57,000 acres burned
2% containment
97 structures burned
24,000 structures threatened
1,157 people working the fire
Burglary is happening 🤬
Arrested 5 people with 2 carloads of stolen property off Fall Creek Road
If you see somebody prowling call dispatch center immediately (number in previous post)…

Deputy yesterday - “if you hear an ambulance request on dispatch, it’s likely a looter that has been caught by locals” 😏
Stay the fuck out of the Santa Cruz Mountains. If the sheriff doesn’t catch you, the locals will, and then you’ll *wish* it was a cop.
Anybody think these people haven’t paid their debt to society?
Red Flag 🚩 warning on now.



It’s gone. Completely. 😔
(Photo credit SLV Steve, local photog)

90+ officers in the hills in addition to SCSO, SVPD, etc.
Protocol - stop every vehicle not police or fire. If you’re not tied to the area, you’re going to jail.
Statewide update:
- 615 fires in California
- CZU and LNU fires are the 2nd and 3rd largest fires in California history
- 14,000 firefighters across the state
- 2400 fire engines
- 96% of all CalFire engines deployed at a fire
- no good news to share
- dark day, first body recovery from Last Chance Rd
- needed CalFire heli to get to scene
- sounded like he was about to read the riot act but...
SCU and LNU are 2/3rd largest fires in history.
(Also, imagine a fire 4x as big as ours. Fuck. That.)

- best day so far, big wins all around
- weather + firefighters kicking ass
- solid lines of containment on all fronts
- no structure loss today!
- fire sticking to ridge so
- able to get solid control lines in under ridge
- 4 dozer blade wide control line from 9->1
- burning operations tonight to further expand line
First day weather cleared smoke up, Helis able to operate and attack fires
Supporting UCSC burn ops
Looking forward to good week w/ favorable weather 👍
Many people have lost their homes. They’re devastated, but not broken. They’re standing together and supporting each other and vowing to rebuild. We will help them.
We are in your debt.
There were not enough resources. That wasn’t a secret. The fact California relies on inmates is bad enough, that many were too sick with COVID to “volunteer” is unconscionable...
They stayed and they fought. And they won. There are houses standing tonight because of people who broke the rules and risked their lives and stayed to fight...
I won’t condemn them, and in fact I think it’s the most no-bullshit American thing I’ve seen this decade.
Let me repeat: “the new normal”