Tonight you might get off easy but next week, I will challenge you on at least one night.
What Movie Are We Watching begins in 8 hours.
Turn notifications on bc I might leak a clue between now and then.
Cut off for comment ends at 4 pm.
In the meantime, I hope she isn't the mechanic and tries this!
I'm talking trash. Come take that gold tonight. 😎😛🤗
We start at 9 p.m.
If so. Walk This Way but I don't want your kiss.
We start at 9 p.m.
This is gonna be soooooo 👇
Clue 1: I asked what genre you wanted. Its comedy and action combined.
She lived
Send me some GiFs for entertainment if you got the answer to the challenge.
Dance with me
Gold @OSUViDs
Silver @fighterguy2424
Bronze @dan_l_carroll
Almost die but survived
@porkcho27325878 and @toddneville
Thanks for playing.
(i) the dune buggy racing in sand. Brad Pit (John) drove one in the movie
(ii) Horse With No Name song. Key word desert.
(iii) Aerosmith - Walk This Way - but I don't want your kiss. Brad and Angela. They wanted to kill each other