HAREEZ ANWAR Profile picture
Aug 22, 2020 213 tweets >60 min read Read on X
Hundreds of Yemeni protesters demonstrate against the UAE-Israel normalization deal. #Act4Palestine #Group4Palestine #IndependentPalestineState ImageImageImageImage
A protest in Tunisia against normalization with Israel occupation's state. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #IndependentPalestineState ImageImageImage
Moroccan Prime Minister Saad-Eddine al-Othmani. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #IndependentPalestineState Image
Israel’s spyware is used to spy on dissents in these countries which are allies to US and Israel. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #IndependentPalestineState
Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh in Ramallah with British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab discussing latest political developments and British support for Palestine. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #IndependentPalestineState Image
‘UAE normalisation of ties with Israel is a stab in the back of Palestinian and Muslims, and a betrayal for Muslim and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem,” the mufti said. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #IndependentPalestineState
Israel has listed an El Al flight taking off on Monday for Abu Dhabi: mark Israel's first commercial passenger flight to UAE after the 2 countries agreed to a United Stated-brokered deal to normalise relations. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #IndependentPalestineState Image
The people of Palestine and all free nations of the world will never forgive normalising of relations with criminal Israeli occupation regime and complicity in its crimes. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA ImageImage
Syrian in Idlib show solidarity with Palestine through a mural of Haj Khairi, who was assaulted by an Israeli soldier with a knee on his neck. It reads “I can’t breathe, too”. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
The path of Israeli football team’s bus has been painted blood red by activists in Glasgow ahead of tonight’s Nations League game against Scotland. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
"Israel is MURDERING Palestinian; this is UNACCEPTABLE!". Pro-Palestine Scots came out in numbers to condemn Scotland National Teams for legitimising Israeli apartheid and genocide against Palestinian via todays football match. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine
Israeli occupation forces brutally arrested a young Palestinian man in Issawia village in the occupied city of Jerusalem. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
Palestine flag flown above Ayr primary school after 'concerning security breach'. #Act4Palestine #Group4Palestine #PalestineNews
Jacqueline, a British citizen wandered the streets of London, raising the Palestinian flag for years. She said "I love two things in life: cycling and Palestine." #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine Image
People in the UK gathered yesterday to say it loud: hideous war criminals are NOT welcome! #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA ImageImageImageImage
Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit condemned decision by Serbia & Kosovo to open their embassies in Jerusalem. This decision is null, void and against international law. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Republic of Turkey said that they are 'deeply concerned' over Serbia's decision to relocate their embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to occupied Jerusalem, calling on all countries 'to abide by the UN resolutions adopted on this matter'. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine Image
Al-Haq condemns designations of ICC staff for sanctions under US executive order 13928 as direct threat to justice in the situation in Palestine. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine
Even with the new normalization with UAE, Israeli still going on for the Palestinian land. By @Sabaaneh #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Palestine flags in a football stadium in Scotland. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine
Palestinian Huda Ammori was arrested for standing against Israel's toxic arms trade in the UK at London Elbit office. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine
Lebanon: 530 Palestinian refugees have been infected with coronavirus since the start of the pandemic. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Pro-Israel lawyer faked vandalism attack at Scots home to frame the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign. He has been slammed by legal watchdogs and fined. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
Israelis to be able to issue travel visas, official tells Israeli daily. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
Ministry of Health in Gaza: 118 new cases of coronavirus were recorded in Gaza Strip during the last 24 hours. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine Image
Palestinian groom Jihad Ahmad 26, had planned to have a traditional wedding with his family and loved ones, however with the onset of the coronavirus in Gaza Strip, his plans had to be altered. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA ImageImageImage
UAE announced normalisation deal with Israeli occupation on 13 August, neglecting Israeli crimes against Palestinian. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
Prime Minister of Pakistan says he strongly believes that any one-sided settlement imposed on Palestinian will not solve the issue. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
EU expresses concern about Israeli demolitions in West Bank. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed will visit Israel. Sources confirmed that an official Emirati delegation arrive on 22nd of this month to set the date for an agreement at the White House. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Love and solidarity with Sudan as more than 100 people died and hundred of thousands become homeless due to flood that submerged homes. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Activists organize an event against Emirati normalization with Israel occupation in London. #Act4Palestine #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA ImageImageImage
Palestinian protest in Nablus city against the normalisation ties between the UAE and Israel. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine ImageImageImage
EU: Israel’s settlement policy is illegal under international law so that all actions taken in that context, such as forced transfers, evictions, demolitions and confiscations of homes are violations of international law. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine
"Israeli banks will start working with banks in UAE once the two Middle East states sign a normalization agreement in UN," chief executive Israel's largest Bank Hapoalim said. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Swedish activists travel 2,000 kilometers carrying Palestinian flags for 40 days. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA ImageImageImageImage
'It would be a sin to get an Emirati prize,’ an author said following the declaration of the normalisation deal. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
Palestinian Authority should withdraw from the Arab League because this body includes countries that abandoned Palestine, embrace Israel and reject condemning the normalization. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
US tilt towards India has encouraged Modi's government to continue its atrocities against the people of Kashmir. Just like the deal of the century has emboldened Israel to escalate their crimes against Palestinian. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestune #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Another stab in the back of Palestinian enduring Israeli occupation by new Arab state making ties with Israel. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
@CBC The Current owes the people of Palestine an apology. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine
Bahrain agrees to normalize relations with Israel, Trump announces. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine
Dozens of Palestinian gathered in Gaza to reject agreement for the normalization of relations between Israel and Bahrian announced on Friday by the U.S. president Donald Trump. #Act4Palestine #Group4Palestine #PalestineNews
Deal or no deal? Palestine between a rock and a hard place. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine
Palestinian unequivocally condemn Bahrain-Israel deal and considering it as another treacherous stab to the Palestinian cause. Peace between Arab countries and Israeli occupation "will not happen without the Palestinian issue being resolved." #Group4Palestine #PalestineNews Image
US sanctions on ICC prosecutor came in response to investigations announced by court into US war crimes in Afghanistan and Israeli war crimes in West Bank and Gaza. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
Bahrain has agreed to normalize ties with Israel. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine Image
“The rulers of Bahrain will from now on be partners to the crimes...". Iran's Foreign Ministry. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine Image
Many Bahraini slammed the royal family of the country reiterating their position, standing with the Palestinian people in their just cause, and calling on the regime to reverse its decision. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
What is hiding behind the so-called "peace deal"? #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine Image
"We won't recognize Israel". Children in Bahrain send messages of rejection of the Bahrain-Israel normalization agreement, saying they will not recognize the Israeli occupation state. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
Pakistan’s position regarding the Palestinian issue has not changed, Pakistan's Foreign Affairs spokesperson said today, affirming the country's full support for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Salah Hamouri was born in occupied East Jerusalem and has lived there since. Israel is seeking to revoke his residency status and never allow him to return. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Palestinian ambassador leaves Bahrain following Palestine's decision to summon its ambassador in the kingdom in response to the latter's declaration of normalization with apartheid Israel. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Bahraini take to the streets to protest their country's decision to normalize relations with the Israeli regime. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
"There's a full package that comes with Israel, if you support Israel it means you're supporting the package as well." MikoPeled #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
Bahrain civil society groups reject normalization deal. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
More than 20 British organizations reject the Israeli apartheid policy. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
Pro-Palestine activists worldwide calling for support to condemn the deal on social media and through demonstrations. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
The Palestinian Right of Return is not supported by international law nor precedent. And even in the one case where a right of return was attempted in Bosnia, wasn't successful. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
A massive fire has been broken out in the largest shopping area in Beirut. It is still unknown what has caused the fire, but videos show at least one building being engulfed by flames. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
UAE and Bahrain's foreign ministers will sign an agreement with Israel at the White House establishing full ties in violation of the Arab Peace Initiative. This move is a threat to long-standing Arab demands. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
The signing of normalization agreement between UAE and Bahrain with Israel in Washington is not going to lead to peace or justice in the Middle East, the international Israel-boycott movement (BDS) said. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
UAE-Bahrain normalisation deal with Israel is a treacherous stab in the back of the Palestinian. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Netanyahu bragged about ‘2 peace deals in one month.’ #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
"Jerusalem was and will be my cause."

"I am Bahraini, and I refuse to normalize relations with occupation (Israel)".

Signs that express solidarity with Palestine have been seen in the streets of the state of Bahrain. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine ImageImageImage
Elbit Systems in Shenstone, Lichfield is still shut down as human rights activists enter day 2 of the factory occupation. Elbit is 'bleeding' and their windows are smashed. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
"The leaders of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have a stake in President Trump’s re-election and helped him become a peacemaker." Michael Crowly #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Amnesty International has emphasized that any process aimed at a just and lasting peace in the occupied Palestinian territories must include the removal of illegal Israeli settlements. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
American-Jews protesting in front of the White House against the agreement of UAE-Bahrein with Zionist entity, rejecting the existence of Israel in support of Palestine. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA ImageImageImageImage
Cartoonist warns Arab rulers of overlooking the Palestinian people in the process of normalization of their economic ties with Israel. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine Image
Protest held outside Bahrain Embassy in London to denounce the normalisation of ties between Bahrain and UAE with Israel. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine ImageImage
Palestinian man in occupied Jerusalem singing and lamenting the betrayal by Arab regimes as their flags are projected on the walls of the old city. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine
'No peace' in Middle East without end to Israeli occupation: Abbas. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
As activists continue to occupy Elbit, Israel attacked and bombed Gaza last night with the weapons this bloodlusting factory is making. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
During Israeli, UAE and Bahrain ceremony to celebrate the so-called peace deals in Washington, hundreds of Israeli settlers raided Al-Aqsa Mosque. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
While UAE and Bahrain raise their flags in Israel, Qatar raises its flag in occupied Palestine. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
While White House celebrating the normalization agreement between
Israel, UAE, and Bahrain, Gaza was being intensively bombarded by the Israeli occupation jet fighters. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Anonymous activists replace the UAE flag with Palestinian flags. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
Rep. McCollum received a Champion of Palestinian Rights Award for her legislative work. Here's what she said in her acceptance speech👇🏻
For more: mondoweiss.net/2020/09/rep-mc… #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Rising the Palestinian flag in Moroccan universities in rejection of normalisation. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA ImageImageImage
The apartheid state of Israel, which boasts itself as the only democracy in the Middle East, is now making relationships and normalizing ties with the Arab Gulf dictatorships. Cartoon by Carlos Latuff #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
The Scottish government affirmed it will not interfere with any Scottish public institutions’ actions supporting BDS, and rejected the UK government’s plan to ban local institutions from exercising their rights. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Bahrainis demonstrated against the Kingdom's normalization with the Israeli occupation. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine ImageImageImage
People in Morocco demonstrate against the recent wave of normalization with apartheid Israel. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine ImageImageImage
UAE & Bahrain normalization with the Israeli Occupation is shameful. Pro-Palestine protesters march in Rabat, Morocco against the normalization of Israeli occupation. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA ImageImage
Israeli occupation parliament has rejected a bill intended to ensure full equality for all of Israel’s citizens, regardless of their ethnicity or religious affiliation. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Netanyahu’s peace — By Jordanian cartoonist Emad Hajjaj. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Kuwaiti political parties condemned US President Donald Trump’s claim that the kingdom may soon normalize relations with Israel, saying Kuwait won't forget the sacrifices of the Palestinian people. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
"Palestine's issue will not be resolved except by establishing a Palestinian state, with the 1967 borders, with Holy Jerusalem as its capital.” Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Palestinian in occupied Jerusalem have staged a protest against UAE and Bahrain over formalization of ties with Israeli regime. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
Court judge reported the Jewish rabbi calling for killing Palestinian. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
Pakistan's rep. for Kashmir Ali Amin Gandapur has said the international community and the United Nations should play their role in resolving decades old long-standing disputes like Palestine and Kashmir. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Foreign Minister of Pakistan Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said the Jammu, Kashmir and Palestine disputes are the UN's most glaring and long standing failures. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Over 40 Kuwaiti organizations called on the parliament to pass a law criminalizing normalization of relations with Israel. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Palestine has decided to relinquish its right to preside over the Council of the Arab League at its current session, said Foreign Minister Riyad Malki. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
61 French MPs condemned UAE's and Bahrain's normalization pact with Israel because they undermine peace. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Here are some facts and figures about normalization deals between some Arab governments and Israel. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
The owner of Chelsea football club, Roman Abramovich, controls companies that have donated $100 million to Elad, a settler organization operating in occupied East Jerusalem. #Act4Palestine #BDS #Group4Palestine
‘More than a team, it is an entire people’: 100 years of Palestinian football in Chile. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
UNRWA's Director-General: We have no money to pay for October salaries. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
On the National Day for Palestinian Woman, we would like to remind the world that there are 39 Palestinian women detained in Israeli jails. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine Image
Arab leaders use Palestine as a commodity for trading to buy their ruling chairs.

Shameful normalization is doomed to dustbin of history.

#Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine Image
Peace – the term favoured by the international community – is an Israeli conjecture. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
Israel uses normalisation to increase its security grip over Palestinian and undermine Palestinian rights. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
In order to please the West, Sudan paid USD335 million. So how much is the 'price of peace deal' between Israel and Sudan? #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Canadians call on justice department to investigate Israel Defence Force recruitment in Toronto schools. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine Image
Israel’s ambassador to United Nations, Gilad Erdan claimed that textbooks use by schools run by UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugess (UNRWA) contained inciteful content. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
Representative of South Africa to the United Nations: Israeli de facto annexation of the occupied Palestinian territory hasn't stopped. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
UN urges Israel to allow staff to return to Palestine. #Act4Palestine #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine
France’s rhetoric on Islam fuels far-right hatred and endangers Muslim communities in Europe. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA
International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS) Philippines, BAYAN, and their allied organisations stage a solidarity protest to denounce Israeli occupation and annexation of Palestine and US imperialist intervention. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA ImageImageImage
Palestinian presidency denounced the expansion of US funding of Israeli scientific cooperation to include research projects in the illegal Israeli settlements across the occupied West Bank. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
Those with Jerusalem resident IDs and Israeli IDs can pass by car. Those with West Bank IDs need an Israeli permit and can only cross by foot. This is Israel’s tiered system of segregation. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA ImageImageImage
Statue of the full map of Palestine erected in southern suburb of Beirut in refusal of the normalization agreements between some Arab governments and Israeli occupation. #PalestineNews #Group4Palestine #SobatPalestinaINA Image
UNESCO Mounir Anastas demanded that the UN to push the Israeli occupation government to return the stolen baptismal font that was stolen by their military from Tuqu‘ town, southeast of Bethlehem, last July. Image
Presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh rejected statements made by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that US nationals born in Jerusalem can have their place of birth listed as "Israel" on their passports. Image
Mauritanian cartoonist contract ended over his drawing depiction of Emmanuel Macron. The contract had a 'working relation' with a French company. Image
South African doctor Tlaleng Mofokeng – UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health – has called Israel’s refusal to provide the 4.5 million Palestinians under its control with COVID-19 vaccines “morally and legally unacceptable.”
Lavrov expressed Russia's welcome of the elections and its full support for the Palestinian leadership's efforts to end the intra-Palestinian division and reunite the country. #PalestineNews #IntlPolitics Image
British Foreign Secretary has criticised Israel’s decision to construct thousands of new settler housing units in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, warning that it puts a viable two-state solution at risk. #PalestineNews #IntlPolitics
From New York's Jamaal Bowman to Detroit's Rashida Tlaib, Democrats are speaking out against Israel's denial of vaccines for Palestinian living under military occupation. #PalestineNews #IntlPolitics
Source: @theIMEU ImageImageImageImage
It doesn't matter whether the US president is a Democrat or a Republican when it comes to supporting Israel's apartheid. #PalestineNews #IntlPolitics
Cartoon by: Carlos Latuff Image
The occupying state of Israel and the United Nations. #PalestineNews #IntlPolitics
Cartoon by: Mohammad Sabaaneh Image
Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor to US announced that the administration of Biden will work on widening the efforts of the former administration to build diplomatic, economic relations with Israel and the Arabs. #PalestineNews #IntlPolitics
The Government Media Office in Gaza condemns the hosting of Al-Ghad channel to the Israeli war criminal Gantz. #PalestineNews #IntlPolitics #WarPropaganda
After Israel’s interior ministry recently announced that members of the Jewish community of Uganda are not allowed to immigrate to Israel, many progressive Israelis and diaspora Jews denounced the decision as racist. #PalestineNews #IntlPolitics
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday met with senior security and army officials to discuss preparations for a possible attack on Iran, local media outlets reported. #PalestineNews #IntlPolitics
Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel, delayed today morning his visit to UAE and Bahrain, which was supposed to be this week. #PalestineNews #IntlPolitics
European Union (EU) urged Kosovo not to open their embassy in Jerusalem, calling it to commit to the EU stance and UN Security Council Resolution 478 which states that foreign embassies to Israel should be located in Tel Aviv. #PalestineNews #IntlPolitics
Palestinian condemned the normalization agreements, saying they encouraged Israel’s denial of their rights and do not serve the Palestinian cause, describing them as a “stab in the back” and a “betrayal.” #PalestineNews #IntlPolitics
Paris has adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of anti-Semitism, a definition which is simply designed to silence criticism of Israel and Zionism. #PalestineNews #IntlPolitics
Welcome to the club of war criminals, Israel. #PalestineNews #IntlPolitics
Cartoon by Carlos Latuff Image
Over 80 British MPs in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, sent a letter to the British Foreign Secretary, urging the British government to do everything in its power to prevent the mass evictions and dispossession of Palestinian families.
"Might it now be time to call the leader of Israel, the closest ally of the US? The PM's number is: 972-2-6705555," Danon tweeted. #IntlPolitics
"It is highly regrettable that States Parties to the Rome Statute are encouraging Israel's intransigence with political statements ..." #IntlPolitics
Moscow is generating much attention as a possible alternative to the United States by hosting inner Palestinian dialogue and conversing with leaders of Palestinian political groups. #IntlPolitics
US President Joe Biden faces mounting pressure to lift sanctions on war crimes prosecutors at the International Criminal Court (ICC) as Israel lobbies to immobilize them. #IntlPolitics Image
Pernelli Skipper, a Danish parliamentarian, holds a sign that reads "Stop Vaccine Apartheid", one day before Denmark's PM visit to Israel, in criticism of purchase of COVID-19 vaccines from the occupying state. #IntlPolitics Image
Action Group for Palestine-Morocco and the Moroccan Monitor for Resisting Normalization condemned movements seeking to normalize relations with Israel. #IntlPolitics Image
"Therefore, we replied to Israel that we did not see the need for enhanced cooperation now,” Prime Minister Erna Solberg. #IntlPolitics
Morocco announced that they had signed an agreement with an Israeli businessman to improve the trade relations with the occupation state, on Monday. #IntlPolitics Image
Joe Biden has repeatedly criticised Donald Trump’s policies regarding the Middle East; however, when Biden became president, he hailed Trump’s policies and agreed to build on them. #IntlPolitics
Palestine has said relations with Britain have reached a “low point” after Boris Johnson announced that he opposed an international criminal court investigation into alleged war crimes in the Israeli-occupied territories. #IntlPolitics
US Congress. Betty McCollum is set to introduce a bill calling for exercising more oversight on US assistance to Israel as part of efforts to ensure no US tax dollars contribute to alleged civil and human rights abuses against Palestinian. #IntlPolitics
Denmark says Israeli settlers have repeatedly targeted Palestinian farmers in West Bank during recent weeks, destroying infrastructure directly funded by the Danish government. #IntlPolitics
Tunisia UN envoy urges international community to exert pressure on Israel. #IntlPolitics
Jordan condemns Israeli attacks on the citizens of occupied Jerusalem. #IntlPolitics
'Freies Palästina'
From Germany, sending solidarity messages to the Palestinian people, especially those brave ones in occupied Jerusalem. #IntlPolitics
Pro-Palestine activists protest in the streets of London on occasion of the Jerusalem Day and in support of Palestine. #IntlPolitics
📸 From Chicago to Jerusalem: Freedom for Palestine. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImage
Football players of the Chilean Club Deportivo Palestino wear the traditional Palestinian headdress, keffiyeh, to express solidarity with Palestinian people living under Israeli occupation. #IntlPolitics ImageImage
From London: End Israeli military occupation and stop evicting native Palestinians. A protest outside 10 Downing Street in the UK in support of Palestinian. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImage
African National Congress (ANC) condemned Israeli attacks on Palestinian, linking the Israeli violations to the “well co-ordinated and elaborate agenda by apartheid Israel to entrench its illegal occupation of Palestinian lands”. #IntlPolitics
Huge demonstration in Manchester in solidarity with the ongoing Palestinian protests against yet more of Israel's brutality in Jerusalem and the ongoing Nakba ethnic cleansing of yet another Palestinian village: Sheikh Jarrah. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImageImage
European Consuls and diplomats confirmed that eviction and displacement of the Palestinian families from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood is illegal and a matter of serious concern. #IntlPolitics
Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, condemned the Israeli airstrikes on Gaza Strip, which resulted in the kill of 24 Palestinian, including 9 children. #IntlPolitics
Ilhan Omar: We have no leg to stand if we can't defend Palestinian. #IntlPolitics
Erdoğan: Turkey to mobilize int’l community against Israeli ‘terror’. #IntlPolitics
Burned the flag of Israeli occupation. A Lebanese-Palestinian demonstration in Beirut in support of Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImage
Protest held in Bradford amid Israeli–Palestinian clashes in Jerusalem. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImage
Protesters gather in Birmingham city centre amid Israeli–Palestinian clashes in Jerusalem. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImageImage
#IsraelKoyak (Tearing down Israel) are now trending in southeast asia. #IntlPolitics Image
Fans of Scotland's Celtic FC cover the stands with Palestinian flags in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for freedom and dignity. #IntlPolitics ImageImage
Thousands of protesters in Vienna, Austria take part in a rally in support of Jerusalem and the struggle of the Palestinian people. #IntlPolitics ImageImage
Serbia | Protestors marched in Belgrade today against the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Palestinian people all over occupied Palestine. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImageImage
A pro-Palestinian march in Cape Town, South Africa in solidarity with the Palestinian people, on Wednesday, May 12. #IntlPolitics
Photos: Mohammad Groenwald ImageImage
A mass demonstration in support of occupied Jerusalem, and a rejection of the aggression on Gaza, in Chicago, USA. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImageImage
Thousands of people demonstrate in Los Angeles against Israeli terror actions in Gaza Strip. #IntlPolitics
Belgium | From Brussels to Palestine. Protestors marched yesterday in the capital Brussels against Israeli war crimes in Palestine demanding a halt of weapons sales to the Israeli occupation. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImageImage
Jordanian stand in solidarity with Palestinian as they march near border with Palestine. #IntlPolitics
Pro-Palestine activists organized a protest in Republique Square in Paris to express solidarity with Palestinian against ongoing Israeli assaults on Palestinians all over Palestine, especially the aggression on Gaza. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImageImage
Venezuela's Minister of Foreign Affairs called on the international community to intervene and stop the ongoing Israeli attacks over the Gaza strip. #IntlPolitics en.safa.news/post/1359/Vene…
Thousands march in mass demonstration in support of the Palestinian people and denouncing the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip in Bangladesh. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImageImage
A woman in a subway in New York, passing posters about situation in Palestine. #IntlPolitics ImageImage
A protest in Sydney in solidarity with Palestinian people in Gaza. #IntlPolitics
Palestinian flag was hoisted outside Municipality of Chalandri in Athens, Greece, in honor of Palestinian people. #IntlPolitics Image
A demonstration was held in Tokyo against Israeli occupation and attacks on Gaza, to show solidarity with the people of Palestine. #IntlPolitics
ICSPR: murdering children and women and the bombing of homes over the heads of their residents is a well-established military doctrine of the Israeli occupation that reflects its deliberate commission of war crimes. #IntlPolitics
A demonstration was held in Cambridge, England against the Israeli occupation and attacks on Gaza to show solidarity with the people of Palestine. #IntlPolitics
Thousands of Iraqis march in Baghdad, Iraq, in support of Gaza and Jerusalem, today. #IntlPolitics Image
Hundreds of people gathered at the International Wall in Belfast, Scotland, to show solidarity to the Palestinian people. #IntlPolitics ImageImage
Ireland | The Ha'penny bridge in Dublin vivid with Palestinian flags today in solidarity with Palestine. #IntlPolitics Image
Palestine solidarity action in Sfax city,Tunisia. #IntlPolitics ImageImage
Palestinian flag raised at the Egyptian pyramids. #IntlPolitics Image
A rally in Spanish capital, Madrid, in solidarity with the Palestinian people. #IntlPolitics
A demonstration in Toronto, Canada, against the ongoing Israeli aggression on the besieged Gaza strip. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImageImage
Thousands of people took to the streets in Madrid, Spain, in protest of Israeli aggression on the besieged Gaza strip. #IntlPolitics
Ireland never fails Palestine. Irish protest yesterday from in front of the Israeli embassy in Dublin condemning Israeli occupation of Palestine. #IntlPolitics
Protests for an end to the killings of Palestinian by Israeli forces continue in countries around the world. #IntlPolitics Image
Police in France repressed a peaceful protest. Apparently freedom of expression in France only applicable for Charlie Hebdo: a well known racist media. #IntlPolitics
Bella Hadid joined protests in Bay Ridge in solidarity with Palestinian people in Gaza and Jerusalem. #IntlPolitics Image
Pro-Palestinian protesters raise signs and wave Palestinian flags just outside the Washington Monument in downtown Washington. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImageImage
Thousands of people gathered in Amsterdam to express their solidarity with Palestinian, and in protest of the Israeli aggression on the besieged Gaza Strip. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImageImage
From London to Palestine: our hearts with Palestine. People in London stood in solidarity with the Palestinian people. #IntlPolitics
Pictures of mass demonstrations in Illinois - Chicago, USA, in solidarity with Gaza and rejecting the Israeli aggression. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImageImage
From México City in solidarity with Palestine. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImage
"Blaming Hamas for firing rockets is like blaming a woman for punching her rapist", said this protester. #IntlPolitics Image
Protesters gathered outside the Israeli embassy in Boston in solidarity with Palestinian, and to protest the ongoing israeli aggression on Gaza. #IntlPolitics Image
Captured at Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. #IntlPolitics Image
German police break up a demonstration in Berlin in solidarity with Palestinian in Gaza and Jerusalem. #IntlPolitics
Protesters demanding "no to the Palestine genocide" hold a rally against Israel and in support of Palestinian in Buenos Aires, Argentina. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImageImage
Protesters gathered outside the Israeli embassy in Seoul, South Korea, to protest the ongoing israeli aggression on Gaza, holding up banners and pictures of the Israeli aggression's victims. #IntlPolitics ImageImageImageImage

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