Such was his hatred.
And @AudreyTruschke would have u believe he was "tolerant".😡

This was built by Bir Singh Deo Bundela at the birthplace of Krishna at a cost of 33 lakh of rupees.
It was one of the most magnificent Temples ever built in India.
“In a short time, by great exertion of the officers, destruction of this strong foundation of infidelity was accomplished & on its site a lofty møsque was built at the expenditure of a large sum.”
Even more disgraceful was burying the idols under steps of mosque of the Begum Sahib “in order to be continually trodden upon.”
And they peddle their raw sewage under the caption "Audrey Truschke breaks the myths!!"
It's hilarious... till you realise the amount of hatred they hold against Hindus.
Today, a mosque occupies the place of Krishna Janmabhoomi temple. But a new temple has been erected post independence in the immediate vicinity of the mosque.
[End Thread]