Rahu represents our desires to full-fill for which we have taken this birth. Rahu co-rules Aquarius sign with Saturn. Fulfillment of desire is seen from 11th H & Rahu's placement in Ur chart shows area where Ur desires lies along with Aqu sign in Ur chart.

#Rahu represents our deepest desire & desires can be broadly in four category-
-Aarth (Material)
-Kaam (Pleasures)
So it us who are responsible for our desires and depending on nature of desires & Past Punya (5th H) one will get results.

so please don't treat Rahu as bad. in today's materialistic world where one's desires are only for fame, money & power etc, then u r born with that Rahu.
someone classified Rahu +Moon as bhogi without thinking one can be Yogi also. So Look for finer details

Astrology is study of light. Our ancient sages has used this primarily for helping the needy on their spiritual pursuits with material as secondary aspect. over period of time Material become primary & spiritual got lost. It's time to revive this sacred aspect.