Fantastic to see & meet so many ppl out exercising. What makes me nervous is when I see them alone.
I am 35yrs of age and have been:
▫️Stalked for 2yrs+
▫️Followed/cornered 3 times when training.
More information on situations ⬇️
Starting with the stalker. I have still no idea where they came from..
▫️When jogging at night a car circled me several times in my local town before suddenly braking & all 4 doors flying open. Thankfully as I ran an oncoming car drove at them and they took off. The following day the car was found burnt out
▫️ When training for underage cross-country running with a friend an elderly man made us
The above does not include my car reg being traced by a male that saw me jogging and as he was a member of the forces he took it on himself
I have learnt the hard way to #stayalert when out alone. Some simple tips help
1. Do not have earphones too high
3. If walking alone vary time and location
4. Stay alert to your surroundings.