[THREAD] Our article (with @NedjeljkaZ from @CENunihh and Khalil Karami) on Atmospheric Subseasonal Variability and Circulation Regimes: Spectra, Trends and Uncertainties is out in @AMSJCLi
We decompose 35-year long datasets of the atmospheric circulation in the global reanalyses systems (ERA5 and ERA-Interim of @ECMWF, MERRA of @NASAEarth and JRA-55) into balanced (Rossby) and unbalanced (inertio-gravity) circulation using #MODES: modes.cen.uni-hamburg.de/modes-software
Most striking: all reanalyses show a reduction of subseasonal variability in Rossby waves with zonal wavenumber k=6-8 and an increase in wavenumbers k=3-5 in Northern Hemisphere summer (June-July-August) over 1980-2014. Similar but smaller signal is found also in other seasons.
Decreased subseasonal variability in waves 6-8 implies those waves have become more persistent, stationary, which leads to extreme weather events such as heat waves, as explained by the theory of quasiresonant amplification of planetary waves of Petoukhov pnas.org/content/110/14…
1) Takoj ko so bodo začeli resni ukrepi za blaženje podnebnih sprememb, bodo "lobisti" skušali prikazati njihovo panogo kot podnebno nevtralno, tudi z uporabo novih (spornih?) metrik.
2) Podobne poskuse "pranja" krivde različnih panog smo že videli v začetku epidemije koronavirusa: "industrija ni vir okužb", "gostinstvo ni vir okužb", "šole SO vir okužb"...
3) Sprašujem se, ali pri tem lobisti
(a) metrike razumejo in načrtno izberejo ustrezno ali
(b) metrik ne razumejo in naivno zgolj izberejo tisto, ki bolj ustreza njihovim ciljem in njihovo panogo prikaže v lepši luči.