Feels like many young Americans have just found Marx & think communism solves all the world's problems.
European countries tried it 100 years ago or at least had civil unrest / a civil war due to clashing ideologies.
Now practically all of Europe has social democracy...
...a synthesis of capitalist & socialistic elements. I think it's a decent system and could work well for USA as well.
Thesis -> antithesis -> synthesis is how we got to it. Millions upon millions died at the thesis / antithesis phase... it took decades to reach synthesis.
I wish people could better their society via democracy, but I've become increasingly fearful that the USA will go through a revolution, or at least a civil war. Same kind of a war that the Russian Empire had in 1917.
I hope the whole world won't join the "party" this time.
Americans are a great fucking people IMO. Their society is broken.
I wish they are great enough to find unity again, to skip the thesis/antithesis phase and reach for synthesis. Peacefully.
But I'm 90% sure the American empire falls within a decade.
The European countries have problems too & their political systems are far from perfect.
But in a working democracy, a compromise is the best one can hope for... 100% universal satisfaction is impossible.
But at least most people have food and a home.
If the government of USA could help each of their citizens have these 2 basic necessities met, and have a system of healthcare that doesn't bankrupt sick people, I think a revolution could be avoided.
Otherwise, I'm pretty sure the union will fall into pieces.
This YouTube channel is fucking excellent glimpse into the entire situation a 100 years ago, it goes through World War in chronological order, like "real time" in a way: youtube.com/c/TheGreatWarS…
There's a link that Twitter has censored... tried to post it and sending the Tweet failed. It has to do with Bret Weinstein and Andrew Yang.
There are people thinking how to de-escalate the division!
@conraddit@holymacaronee I'm still thinking about scenarios, I will try to formulate step-by-step descriptions for you during this weekend (also as per Charles' request in his latest video). I think many of the concerns community has brought up are potentially valid but need to be articulated thoroughly.
@conraddit@holymacaronee So I've had a weekend to think about this stuff. This is still very fragmentary & maybe not that coherent but what can I do - spaces discussion on the matter is tomorrow so I need to write something down before that for others to think.
@conraddit@holymacaronee@Quantumplation@stefos07409904 I don't know if I'll be there to argue any of these points in a live debate, quite frankly the way Charles & a lot of the community approached this issue has demoralized me.
Do I go in the spotlight against Charles, or just say fuck it and leave?
0. Here I’ll tag people to whom I wish to explain my reasoning why IMO PoS > PoW: @BtcLiberty, @pd_myers, @jronkain.
Feel free to tag anyone else you think might find this conversation interesting.
1. This is a subject I’ve been thinking about for years now – whether Bitcoin’s Proof of Work system is the optimal solution for the problem of how to secure an immutable ledger, or can Proof of Stake or some other system produce a better outcome.
2. I’ve come to the conclusion that Bitcoin with its basis on PoW is the best solution _I can think of_ for a “digital gold standard” that could be useful for big actors like nation states, but not much else. This may change if I’m given convincing arguments.
This documentary series should be watched by all, especially these days as we seem to be re-living the global turmoil that was the first half of the previous century.
Last time we were this divided & consumed by "isms", it resulted in two world wars.
There's a lot of crystalized wisdom in old traditions (a lot of stupid stuff too, mind you!).
"Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it" certainly rings true today.
Modern westerners seem to be hell-bent on demolishing all traditional roles and institutions, without ever considering that doing so too quickly or too radically could tear apart the fabric of society and destroy it.
What is happening in the US is some frightening stuff.
Some freehand charting on the last 6 months of Ethereum price action w/ my phone.
People think alts are dead but what I see w/ ETH is healthy, steady growth. Bought a shit ton (more) ETH at 70€ and haven't regretted it.
BTC is already parabolic, ETH is just getting started...
BTC going parabolic represented by the uptrend drawn here. That is where it needs to correct to for this to last & not crash like 2017.
BTC can either drop down or it can slow down & touch the trendline sideways, giving the alts some time to take their turn going all parabolic.
At this point, when everyone is FOMOing into BTC, I'm balls deep in Ethereum and Cardano. I do some have BTC that I trade with, but I buy more Cardano each month. ETH I just hold for now.
I might regret this later, but I have a feeling that Ada won't be this cheap for long. :)