Something tells me it won't be smooth sailing. 1/
Not enough people work elections in general. Early voting is even harder to staff. 2/
And as alternative judge, I'll work 14 hour days most of the time. 6 am to 8 pm or later. (the overtime is great though) 3/
As for voters, so far the worst I've encountered are people who want to use their phone in the voting booth, or a drunk guy with some beef about which door to use. 4/
The lines were in D areas, where voters could see machines standing empty on the R sides while they waited. 7/
Fine, fine, sure, accessibility and all that. 9/
That's a problem.
I already anticipate some hiccups, but this seems like way too many things that could go wrong. Which could be intentional, idk. 10/
Stop and picture that for a moment. 12/
Imagine they do it on the first day of early voting.
Imagine they take video of it.
Imagine everyone sees it. 13/
Don't you think many would just stay home? 14/
And if a polling place was targeted, would that then trigger the inevitable access lawsuits to keep polls open longer? 15/
We have no reason to expect they will not try this for the November election.
Does anyone think this crowd would take 'mobbing polling places' off the table? 16/
Our local law enforcement would definitely engage.
I think. 17/
Will the cops be allowed to restore order THERE? Will that throw the election into those lawsuits to extend hours? 18/
And relatively spry, I like to think.
God help the grandmas and grandpas who usually do this work if these mobs come for the elections. 19/
Best would be large strong guys willing to take a day or a few weeks and work with us. 20/
I wish I was joking. But again, we have seen there are no boundaries anymore. Better to be prepared for the threat that never materializes. 21/
I pray I'm being ridiculous.
I don't want to be thinking about this, be embarrassed to say anything, and then something happens and I never brought it up. 22/
-Vote early.
-Vote with other people.
-Be aware of everything you can in the polling place.
-Volunteer to work elections if you can (it pays $17/hr here!)
-If you're in a situation, call the cops and start recording.
It's all I got. Happy voting. fin