@nateliason writes a popular weekly newsletter called 'Monday Medley'. He's written it for 224 weeks (4.3 years) and it goes out to 25,000 subs.
He showed us a typical newsletter writing session on @RoamResearch.
Typically, the page already has some linked references of articles and tweets he wants to mention.
He creates sections for them in his draft.
Then, he jumps into his Inbox page, which follows a GTD style of organizing information.
It seemed that he used it as a holding point before moving articles and links to different newsletters or to his Backlog.
Readwise recently intro-ed a @RoamResearch integration, which makes importing highlights from Kindle, @Instapaper, @Pocket, and @Airr super easy.
I'm definitely using this moving forward to save information better.
He uses it as a source of inspiration and serendipity when drafting the newsletter each week.
Now, he can be more selective and allow organic patterns to emerge in each week's newsletter.
I've been trying to write long-form in it myself, and have found the act of linking and referencing without breaking my flow to be really challenging.
He also freely jumps across his tags to find other connections and related notes to bring into the newsletter.
Thanks again to @nateliason, @fortelabs, and @will_mannon for hosting!
The full video to this session can be accessed here (coming really soon): fortelabs.co/blog/second-br…