Those of us who beleive the "Plandemic" is a global conspiracy base our thinking off of several legitimate factors:
i) All of these "health and safety" measures appear to trickle down from unelected, postnationalist policymakers in the UN/WHO/WEF/Bilderberg.
ii) The scientific and health community is historically susceptible to being bought by vested interests (eg. Monsanto, asbestos manufacturers, Big Sugar, Big Tobacco)
iii) The PCR test (which has NO way of accurately isolating the virus) is upstream of all closures and mandates.
iv) Masks, social distancing and lockdowns are demonstrably ineffective, so by process of elimination, the only purpose of their continuation must be control.
v) Mass destruction to mental health and the economy could have been avoided by isolating only those who were at risk.
@MaximeBernier is the second politician to EVER earn my admiration.. bigly.
He's willing to address issues nobody else will approach (eg. Globalist enterprise, climate alarmism, open borders, medical facism, irreversible hormone treatment in minors).
.. that being said, a lot of people seem confused about how to use it, and I’ve had some really interesting experiences toying with it so far.
I’m positive its potential is way over my head, but I thought I’d share my approach
ii. For 3 reasons, I won’t get into the purported origins/function of Gematria:
1) There are already loads of articles/videos explaining that
2) Anything so old loses clarity over time
3) I wouldn’t tell you how to play basketball by describing rubber, or who invented the game
iii. This is my interpretation:
In the same way we designate frequencies to the color spectrum or musical scale, Gematria applies mathematical values to the phonetic sounds of human speech.
We must assume that all languages are, in fact, mathematically resonant in their nature.