Sarah was the first wife of Ibrahim A.S & Hajar was the second wife of Ibraheem A.S.Hajar was the maid servant of Sarah A.S
As Sarah was unable to have children, she proposed that Ibraheem A.S marry to Hajar
Ishaaq A.S was born approximately after 13-14 years after the birth of Ismail A.S
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was the descendant of Ismail A.S.
Ibrahim A.S was the father of other Prophets (Ismail A.S and Ishaq A.S) and the grandfather of Yaqub A.S
Then We gave her good tidings of Ishaaq and after Ishaaq, Yaqub.
"She said, Woe to me! Shall I give birth while I am an old woman and this, my husband, is an old man? Indeed, this is an amazing thing!"
(Qur'an : Hud 11: Verse 72)
At the time of the birth of Ishaaq A.S, age of Ibrahim A.S was 99-100 years old. & Sarah A.S was about 90 years old.
Ishaaq A.S was born approx. after 13-14 years after Ismail A.S
Salam (peace) be upon Ibrahim!" (37:109).
Hajar A.S eventually ran out of food and water and could no longer breastfeed Ismail.
Hajira A.S ran for water for her small child thousands year ago, Allah loved this act so much that he made billions since then to run same way. - Safa Marwa