1. Players should be able to customize, through text input, where they are located (For better or worse). This needs to display above their head.
2. Offer connection metrics for every player, to every other player, within a lobby, as fast as possible. 12/18
3. Do not allow players to pool without providing metrics. Remove or sideline all modes without. You're making things terrible for everyone outside Japan.
4. Multithread populating any list of player-generated lobbies. A lot of time is wasted here. 13/18
5. Endless rematches without returning to load screens in every single multiplayer mode in the game. Every single one. Reduce ranking/benefits to nothing if you have to. UX for those just looking for matches is effectively "solved" completely by this. 14/18
6. Optimize for player counts AFTER you offer full connection metrics in any given mode.
7. Updating ping (in numbers, with frequency) allows players to see stability of the connection and overall quality. "Bars" are too inaccurate.
8. Wifi indicator😐. 15/18
9. A master list of player lobbies should be readily accessible at any time, populated dynamically and filtered for general geographical relevance (Let players self label lobby region via text on top of this!). This would let players find matches FAR more easily. 16/18
Matchmaking is important. Play Guilty Gear.