Let's start with the title. I suggest: "These Are the High Schools with the Highest Test Scores (and We Know Almost Nothing Else about Them!)"
But all of the schools on this list are in homogeneous white and affluent suburbs. That's not Boston.
So let's add "...in Wealthy Suburbs" to the title.
I think you mean: "Unfortunately, we are desperate enough for ad dollars that we will attract eyeballs at any cost."
Just spit-ballin' here.
I think you mean: You are skimming available information and adding zero value to what is already in the state's database.
You might add: "Unlike us, the state doesn't rank-order. Because that's unethical!"
"Sort by what matters most to you—SAT scores, class size, AP participation, and more."
Lol Boston Magazine. You're the funniest.
AP participation!
No. Wait. It's SAT scores!
I'm nearly crying I'm laughing so hard.
But who am I to say? (BTW you might read by book Beyond Test Scores.)
And more!
More = MCAS (math), MCAS (science), MCAS (ELA)... Lol "more."
So let's see: why would you allow me to do that? Is it so I can get a deep and holistic sense of these schools?
Let's rank-order, bottom-to-top, MCAS reading scores (PS I hate you for this)...
It's Boston International High School!
*checks notes*
Boston International a high school specifically designed to serve a diverse student body of English Learners.
You morons.
I'll end by saying, simply, that whoever made this page should feel bad and take it down.