£6.9m for a scheme in Fife using Hydrogen for domestic heating. I'm a bit surprised about this one, as it's a strange choice for heating houses, but let's see.
Hydrogen Action Plan and Policy Statement promised by end of this year. I'll be keenly awaiting this one.
" invest in the establishment of a zero emission drivetrain
testing facility in 2021, with a focus on hydrogen
fuel cells to accelerate the development of these
vehicles." This is welcome, wonder where it will be located?
In terms of looking ahead, no mention on wave or tidal at all, which is a bit disappointing. There is a wider "Blue Economy Action Plan" in the works, with integrated approach on seafood,tourism, energy, transport and science. No date provided for this plan.
This is a really strong focus - heat pump expert group forming next month, interim report in March, final recommendations next summer (new parliament).
heat projects in Scotland. This will be an interesting one - capital funding for demonstrator projects.
range of possible permanent options to address
the challenges faced on the A83 at the Rest and
Be Thankful, with a dedicated parallel project team
now established to progress the environmental and
engineering assessment. (@mathcampbell )
for new mechanisms of agricultural support
that secure a productive sector better able to
contribute towards delivering Scotland’s climate
change outcomes and promote new employment
opportunities." no real substance on that one.
of vacant and/or underutilised crofts by new
entrants" Keen to see actual implementation, but good intent.
farmers and crofters to purchase equipment that
should assist in reducing their greenhouse gas
emissions, and support practice change. "

Pretty cool actually - small scale, rapidly growing urban/brownfield forests. Interested to see where these are piloted, but looks a good one.