- Beatings through punches/kicks, and with sticks, rubber hosepipes, batons and cables
- Floggings
- Forcing detainees to hold painful stress positions
- Forced administration of chemical substances
- waterboarding
- hanging upside down for prolonged periods
- deprivation of food/water
- prolonged solitary confinement
- denial of medical care
secret detention places referred to colloquially as “safe houses” were stripped of their clothes & raped through penetration of the anus w/various instruments,
incl drink bottles
- degrading verbal insults &profanities
- intimidation & harassment of families
- threats to arrest, torture, kill/harm family members, incl elderly parents or spouses
- threats to rape detainees or female family members
- washing corpses in a morgue for several months
- studying and transcribing by hand the full text of religious books and then responding to questions to assess their familiarity with the content
- researching the topic of Islamic hijab and hand writing a 90-page paper on it
- forced service in the paramilitary Basij force
- “internal exile” in a remote part of the country